Interesting visit

by Puternut 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Puternut

    I had a very interesting phone call today. A sister (fader) called me, and told me how she and her husband (ex elder) have been thinking about me, and talking late into the night about what they could do for me. They knew I was disfellowshipped now, and remembered the kindnesses I extended to them for many years while I was an elder. They knew the difficult time I was experiencing. They were inactive and had been stumbled many times and betrayed, and had felt bitter for many many years, they knew that I was not judging them, and I treated them with dignity. So they decided to call me and told me they were thinking about me, can we get together for a drink? My heart was touched by this call and so we met for 3 hours and talked.

    They had been out for a long time and were able to observe the borg from a birds eye view. What I heard floored me. Since we live in the same area, we were able to talk about people we knew. She told me about elders in the congregation that are still in good standing, yet had done things that are apalling. One is still a watchtower conductor, and had molested his own daughter for several years. The son is not active anymore due to the fact that he knew about it, but was told to keep quiet. The mother of that family, now a basket case with many illnesses, is still not able to talk about it. The circuit overseer told everyone in the congregation, it happened a long time ago and if you talk about it, you will suffer the consequences.

    Another elder, attempted to violate the sister that called me today. Yet another elder impregnated his own daughter and had his wife raise her, and made excuses about adoptions. He also had many hot tub parties for young teenagers, and my daughters are that age. Another elder physically abused both his daughters so bad that they are not able to see him anymore and are now in therapy. And some of these men are still serving as elders even as I write this. And it's all being hushed.........and not talked about

    I knew nothing of this while in the borg, but always wondered why some of the elders children weren't doing so well. Tonight I found out the hard way.......I am sick to my stomach


  • dustyb

    dude, if i lived up there i would BEAT some ASS. once i hear about that, especially when it comes to friends that i've known a long time, the elders would be very very sorry that they tried to brainwash me. if i ever hear about that at my g/f's kingdom hall or anything, somebody will be in the hospital, because thats f**kin gross.

  • bikerchic

    While I'm glad you reconnected with old friends I'm very saddened by the stories you heard. I totally understand why you felt sick to your stomach. It sickened me to hear that yet again it still goes on and on and on and nothing is done to correct the situation, they just cover it up.

    I pity the poor victims, this is just sick!


  • seeitallclearlynow


    You sure know about a lot of gross incest/molestation cases in your area! What a horrible area apparently - or more likely, you just have the inside scoop that the rest of us are in the dark about in our own areas!!!!!

    Elders always have to live with the knowledge of all the filth. How do they remain in the organization??

    Best to you.


  • bikerchic
    You sure know about a lot of gross incest/molestation cases in your area! What a horrible area apparently - or more likely, you just have the inside scoop that the rest of us are in the dark about in our own areas!!!!!

    You know it seems that way to me too since I've moved up here I've heard lots of stories of incest and to top it off I do believe the the NW is the Apostate capitol of the world!


  • dustyb

    i've only heard of two cases down here where i'm at, one of them is my best friend....shows you what all i knew when i was a stupid dub kid.

  • happy man
    happy man

    Sometime reading here is like a knock out, i expiriens some very bad things long time ago, done oby a very beloved one.

    I was convinced that this was the only case in the word, and the person doing this was a bad person.

    When I start to raead on this sites, I have a bigg schock, never emaigen it was so comen.

    Ofcurse it is difficult widh things as happend 30-40 years ago, I now peopel who say they have served Jehova very carfully , and have pray on forgivness, and they feel in ther hart that jehova firgive them, problem is that they didnt now some peopel saw what they done and was badley hurt in the hart, how easy it is to se one of your heros do very bad things and later have to listen to talks and see how this person judge others under this long time, this kill your hart and is a very scitzofren situaition, as not many can deal widh widhout consekvenses deep inside,

    If some very heavy punishment must bee given fore siins done fore so long time ago is a tricky qestion, as I not are the man to decide what are wrong or wright, as we now cesar have decide that you have preskibaition time even fore murder, so pehraps this is the reason why it not is so heavy punishment fore siins done long time ago.

    If you read the bibel, I can see that hiding things are not so good, so ther is not any ´stoop timefore punishment as I see it, this can bee something to discuss, can we give punishment fore siin made long time ago?

  • Sassy

    Oh my goodness... isn't that sad. If this is a religion that is the 'ONLY path to God' then why would he have men that do these attrocities and other men who cover it up??

    H E L L O, something isn't right here???

    Ps.. Puter, I think it is nice for you to have found people who knew you and of your situation, remembered your kindnesses and wanted to hook up with you.. what a nice thing..

  • ellderwho


    The org stinks from the top all the way down. " white washed tombs filled with dead bones"

  • link

    happy man, you are making some good points in your post. I often think about the Statute of Limitations that they have on offences in America and how unjust this can be at times. You can commit a serious crime, disappear, then return home and never be prosecuted for the crime.

    It seems all wrong to me but then as you rightly point out, who decides on punishment 30 or 40 years later?


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