by Blueblades 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    In brief......The Mystery, as understood by Russell, meant that not only had Jesus, the man,offered himself as a ransom sacrifice for mankind, but the body of Christ, the 144,000 members of his church, also participated in the ransoming and atoning work.

    Russell felt that the mediator for the New Covenant was "the Christ, head and body." That expression meant, of course, that the 144,000 actually participated in Christ,s sacrifice for the world and were joined to him as his "bride" or his "body". M.James Penton, Apocalypse Delayed, page 40.second edition.

    The ideas concerning this doctrine had already been appearing in the publication, "Three Worlds", composed entirely by N.H.Barbour.

    When Russell and Barbour had a quarrel about the "New Covenant",Russell developed what came to be known as the doctrine of the "Mystery".This caused the "New Covenant Schism"among the brothers at that time.

    Russell did not realize that his 'new truth' had in a general way been part of Catholic doctrine for centuries.The Catholic doctrine of indulgences is based upon this concept. ( see the Catholic Encyclopedia,8:784, 785.


  • galaxy7

    Russell did not realize that his 'new truth' had in a general way been part of Catholic doctrine for centuries.The Catholic doctrine of indulgences is based upon this concept. ( see the Catholic Encyclopedia,8:784, 785.

    Could you please explain more about this,I find your posts very interesting

  • Blueblades

    Galaxy7.What do you need more information on ? Is it the Mystery Doctrine or the Catholic doctrine of indulgences.

  • RR

    Sorry, you are mistaken. This is a fallacy that has been circvulating since 1909 by those who left the Watchtower. Russell NEVER said the Church was part of the ransom. In fact, I have dozens of quotes where he says the CHURCH has NO part of the ransom.


  • Blueblades

    RR. Would you mind posting some of those quotes.The reason that I ask you to post them is that My understanding is from M.JAMES PENTON's book APOCALYPSE DELAYED.pages 40,41.sub-heading The New Covenant Schism".

    He was quoted in the new book, the FOUR PRESIDENTS by EDMOND C.GRUSS, which has dozens of quotes that Russell has taught that the church is part of the ransom.And this teaching caused a schism in the Bible students at that time.Till this day the Mystery Doctrine has not been denied by the Watchtower Society.Most of the rank and file have no knowledge of this doctrine.


  • Blueblades

    An attempt to question President Knorr on the Mystery doctrine resulted in a prolonged stare and the retort, "Ask Freddie about that".The author did ask Fred Franz, who queried,"Are you of the anointed?"When the reply was "NO", he said,"Then it is none of your business."

    Certaintly if the Mystery doctrine were no longer an integral part of the Society's theology, it is reasonable to assume that he would of said so.His evasive answer confirms what the author's grandfather always insisted, that the Mystery doctrine was the foundation plank of the Watch Tower Society.Not once did anyone, including the highest officers of the Society, deny the existence of this doctrine.


  • RR

    Here you go, a few quick quotes

    'The Ransom-price was the perfect Man, Jesus, who gave himself to be a Ransom-price for all. In that sacrifice there is a sufficiency of merit for all of Adam's posterity. The Church, therefore, has no participation in the work of giving the Ransom-price, though it is to participate in the work of Ransoming or recovering those for whom the Ransom-price is to be applied." Watch Tower May 15, 1911, page 151 (Reprints 4819:3)

    In the Feb 1, 1915 Watch Tower, there is an article titled:

    "The Church has no part in the ransom" page 36

    In "What Pastor Russell taught" page 330

    (Question.) May the Church be said to share in the Ransom, actually, reckonedly, or not at all?

    (Answer.) So far as the Ransom is concerned, the Church is

    never said to share in the Ransom. The Ransom is the price and our Lord Jesus is declared to be a ransom for Father Adam. As for Mother Eve, she did not need a ransom?she was considered as a part of Adam?she came from him, was his wife and was included with him. So with the Church; our part is not shown in the Ransom, for we would correspond to Eve, and she was not shown in the Ransom; nor are we.

  • minimus

    RR---Thanks for those quotes. I never heard of this "mystery" until today....I guess that's why it was a "mystery".
  • RR

    You're welcome.

    I think many make a big deal out of this doctrine. I will admit that the current watchtower has made a elitist club out of it, but it wasn't so in Russell's time. As Russell accepted any who in or outside of the Watchtower as brethren if they acknowledge they were consecrated to the Lord.


    To whom, then, does the Apostle in 1 John 2:27 refer in the words ye and you? The Heavenly Father purposed, as previously stated, that more than our Lord Jesus should constitute this Anointed One. He purposed that the Lord Jesus should be the Head of an anointed company, who should constitute His Body. And this is implied in the type in the under-priesthood, who received a measure of the anointing oil. They prefigured the real Priesthood to come: "Ye are a Royal Priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."--1 Peter 2:9.

    And as we further study, we find that this is the Mystery mentioned in the Scriptures: to wit, that the great Messiah so long promised should be composed of many individuals; and that these many individuals, with the exception of the Head, should be gathered out from the children of wrath, from fallen mankind, and should be justified through the merit of their Head--the merit of His human sacrifice.

    All, then, who have joined the Lord are counted as members of that one Body, "the Church of the Living God," "the Church of the first-born," whose names are "written in Heaven." (1 Tim. 3:15; Heb. 12:23.) Looking back to the institution of the Church, we see that it could not be instituted until Jesus had presented Himself as a sacrifice, that the merit of His sacrifice might be made applicable to all those who would become members of His Body--those who would make the same consecration unto death that He had made, and who would then walk in His footsteps. At that very time there were some of this class waiting. They had been Jesus' disciples, hearkening to His words. They believed His testimony that if they would take up their cross and follow Him they should partake of His glory. Under the influence of this promise they became His followers. But they could not receive the anointing until He had made satisfaction for their sins.

    Therefore our Lord instructed them to wait at Jerusalem until this blessing came upon them. The Scriptures tell us that the anointing came upon them at Pentecost. It came from the Father through Christ, after His ascension. Indeed, St. Paul tells us that all blessings come from the Father, who is the Fountain of blessings; and all come through the Son, who is the Channel.-- 1 Corinthians 8:6.

    Just what the anointing is, is difficult for us to comprehend or to explain. Only in proportion as we comprehend it can we make it plain to others. The Lord has endeavored to make it as plain as possible to us by the use of various terms and figures. He calls it a begetting, in the sense that a new life is started. The spiritual nature begins in us at the moment we receive this begetting. And whoever receives it cannot retain it unless he grows and has the Lord's Spirit perfected in him.

    Watch Tower, February 1st, 1914, page 36

  • Blueblades

    Thanks for that RR.Did you ever read the book by L.W.Jones, What Pastor Russell Taught.Penton quotes from it and that Russell taught that the mediator of the New Covenant was the Christ, head and body.That expression meant of course, that the 144,000 actually participated in Christ's sacrifice for the world and were joined to him as his bride or body.page 188, Apocalypse Delayed.

    Edmond C.Gruss in his new book the Four Presidents quotes other sources that say the same.The body of Christ, the 144,000 members of his Church also participated in the ransoming and atonement work.

    So, I am confused, because both these men usually check their sources before they go to print.Yet your quotes say other wise.

    Any way, no big deal now, because the Society does not comment on the Mystery doctrine anymore.I thought that it was interesting that this teaching caused a schism among the early followers of Russell.

    Even if, has you say, he never taught it! There has been much printed on the doctrine that till this day has not been clarified by the Governing Body.

    Thanks again for your response. I know that you are excellant in your research and knowledge of many Watch Tower issues.


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