Calling on all of you for support and prayers or energy for me!

by Sunnygal41 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunnygal41
    I'm amazed that this person turned you in to Management for one inappropriate comment. Christ, if I were turned in every time I made an inappropriate comment at work, Human Resources wouldn't be able to ever deal with any other issue.

    Mary, I know what you are saying, because it happens constantly in my dept. We have a woman that basically makes sexual comments to all the guys. And, she talks down to the boss any time she wants. They talk about sex all the time. Then, there's the Attendance Officer. He calls people Paco, Camel Jockey, etc. and all kinds of racial names and both of these people get away with it. I don't know if it's personality or what. I'm having a really hard time with it, believe me. I get called on the carpet, and am in danger of losing my job for ONE awful comment, and these people do it constantly and no one says a damn thing to them. I don't think it is fair at all. Why am I castigated and punished and they get away with it?

  • Maverick

    Thanks for the update. Please don't be offended by what I am going to say. You used very poor judgement in revealing your thoughts to this "friend" of yours. Loyalty is a quirky beast, and you being a very loyal type person allowed what would generally be a strenght be your weakness. You thought your loyalty to this confidant would protect you and allow you to vent your deeply felt distain for the offender of your values. You dislike and disrespect this other person because their values are so askew from yours. As a rule in the work place, and especally one as catty and filled with inept people as the BOE get a reputation for being Pollyanna, never say anything unkind to or about anyone. I am impressed that you were a stand-up person and took the hit. Be prepared to get slapped around some more. From here on in lay low and behave! And watch your back. I wish you the best, Maverick

  • Sunnygal41

    Thanks, Mav. I hear ya, loud and clear................ That's great advice and I KNOW more is coming down the road. This man is holding all the trump cards and I really don't have much............but, at least, I have my honesty and now I know appropriate loyalty and inappropriate loyalty. It's been a completely awful lesson to have learned.


    P.S. Ya know what's funny? I get all kinds of people that trust me with all kinds of secrets because of MY ability to be closed mouth with other people's secrets.

  • SheilaM

    Sunny: I have often wondered how some people get away with shit while some of us get reamed all the time. Two instances in my corporate careers were when I was asked to go from temp to fulltime at a wonderful photgraphic lab. I was helping at receptionist then they put me in accounting. The girl training me was getting married and she seemed to just tell me quickly do this this and this and then she would spend all day on the phone to her fiancee or making wedding plans.

    I was told she was my trainer. I did what she said I WAS CALLED IN TO HR cause I was (gasp) doing her work. They wanted to remprimand me I said "ONE DOGGONE MINUTE HERE, I was doing what you told me to do and doing it correctly." She ended up getting the talking too but I was shocked they even had anything to say to me.LOL

    At my long time job with Citibank I had a guy that was very sexually inappropriate. I talked to him and talked to him and when he finally WAY CROSSED the boundaries I went to my manager. THEY DID not fire him and didn't even take the other womens stories into account. I am telling you this was not just words or normal office joking around this guy was a freaking PERV

    I came to the conclusion that there is a certain faction of people in this world that can get away with anything SIGH Just like the man that you vented too and the others in your office

  • Sunnygal41

    Yeah, Sheila! I hear that!!! OMG! I'm soooo happy that I'm not the only one who gets nailed! Is it our face? Is it our body language? Is it (to us) an invisible sign above our head that says: "Don't let her get away with anything, pick her out in a crowd of people saying inappropriate things" I just don't get it, and I feel like this is soooo unfair!


  • SheilaM

    Not sure really but if you find out let me know

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