When you don't have much family left because they are all lost in the religion, you hang on to the family you have. I take care of my aunt (who is only 2 years older than I am). She is a drug addict and alcoholic. She comes from down south and lost her whole family because of her addictions. She has been getting worse over the last year living here by sneaking booze and cough syrup. She ended up in the hospital, skin and bones and has diabetes. All the social workers tell me not to take her home because it will not help her. She needs help. She needs 24 hour supervision, something I cannot give her. I have always thought of her as a sister of mine. I love her so much. I made the decision yesterday to not bring her home....ever.....my heart is broken. I know I did the right thing, but I cannot have peace with myself. She will kill herself if I don't help her.........
My heart is broken.....
by Strawberryfieldsforever 19 Replies latest jw friends
I'm so sorry
Tough decision but in the long run probably the best one you can make for yourself and her.
She will kill herself if I don't help her.........
You will be surprised at how strong she really is when given the chance/need to make it on her own. Don't let guilt consume you. She made bad choices but they were her choices, no one forced her to do the things she's done. She is not a victim she volunteered willing to have the kind of life she's had.
All the social workers tell me not to take her home because it will not help her.
Listen to them they know what they are talking about. It's very hard I know! Please don't feel guilty, just know you are doing the right thing for her.
I'm so sorry to hear about this as it can be very lonely without family. Your aunt has to want to change. No one can make that decision for her. Have you spoken to her about getting help?
You have given all you can, and you know that. Now you need to leave it in the hands of ones that are trained for that. It's a tough choice, but you are left with this option.
Hugs and love, wishing you much strength with this,
strawberry, I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope you get through all of this ok.
So sorry, Strawberryfields, that is so hard.
aahh.. Strawberry. I know this decision can not have been an easy one. It sounds like you have made the right decision though. The professionals know what is best for her. Stick to this decision and just be there for her in other ways.
When you love somebody a lot, your potential for suffering increases. It hurts, but it reflects what is good in yourself.
In such difficult cases, it is really wise to listen to the words of those who understand the mechanisims involved here. You are not lessening your love by doing that. Love always seeks the best good, long term, which you are doing.
Your aunt can't see if well, perhaps, but the rest of us do. So let me tell you on her behalf what she would say, if she could:
THANK YOU for your love.
Winston Smith :>D
We are thinking of you