Where is Evolution Headed???

by frankiespeakin 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus


    Evolution Divine right of kings - just another theory without adequate proof.

    The reason Evolution creationism theory was, and is, taught as virtual fact is this - Political sytems benefit greatly from having their citizenry place their faith in the Government, not and God. If a citizen believes evolution, he does not believe that God created us the governments or that he has a special purpose for us. Our lives only have the meaning(s) that divinely mandated Government says they do. There is a "Higher Power" greater than Government under Evolutionism creationism, which is nothing more than a secular religion. There are so many holes in the swiss-cheese evolution creation theory that have been expounded on in great detail elsewhere that I will not repeat them here.
    Bottom line is that if you choose to believe in evolution creationism theory, you have played into the hands of Government. I feel sorry for you. Love_Tooth - We all have to have faith in something, choose wisely. Ps, ok, i toned down the monicker mutilation.
  • Love_Truth


    Nice play on words(not). The obvious reasons why "Government approved by God" was abandoned is that "Government without God" works better in a modern literate society. The Bible is now available for the masses to read, and those who do read it and place faith in God know that He is the "Higher Authority", not man-made Government. It was much easier to have the populace believe that the Government was "God approved" in days when the Bible was not widely available or understood by personal reading and study.

    Now, on the subject of those who place their faith in modern Government. By eliminating the Bible and God (in practical terms) from the Governmental policy making process, politicians have found a plethora of new relevant "issues" to get votes cast for them. Homosexuality, abortion, etc, are all fair game to support (or not support) when running for office. If there were no question in the minds of many (due to believing evolution theory) that God created us, these issues would not be debatable.

    But, since belief in evolution has been instilled in the minds of many by Government approved secular programming, the Government, not God, (in the minds of these brainwashed believers in evolution theory), is the ultimate judge of right and wrong, of what shall be and not be.

    Love_Truth- chooses wisely.

    PS- The double standard on this board is really revolting. The first Posting Guideline is "Insulting, threatening or provoking language". I'd say your dismantling of my moniker, amounts to a violation of that guideline.

  • logansrun


    You have no idea how ignorant you appear, do you?


  • Love_Truth


    Right back at you! Care to dispute a particular point? Because your apparent appeal to your own beliefs (anyone who holds a different view than you is "ignorant") just ain't very convincin'!!!

    Love_Truth- knows the difference between a childish taunt and a well thought out reply.

  • Bryan

    Who's to say God's plan for creation was not evolution?


  • Satanus


    But, since belief in evolution has been instilled in the minds of many by Government approved secular programming, the Government, not God, (in the minds of these brainwashed believers in evolution theory), is the ultimate judge of right and wrong, of what shall be and not be.

    If that is so, why was the soviet union toppled? In the usa, that is not the situation at all among evolutionists. From what i can see, evolutionists and humanists, see themselves and their own opinion as supreme. That is certainly my own attitude, although there are things which i don't fully understand, and so don't have a final conclusive opinion.

    I do agree that brainwashing, while being reduced due to a more educated proletariat, is still widely used, and has been refined and redefined in the last 50 yrs.


  • LittleToe

    That option works for me
    In fact, I'd even considered it as a dub.

    LT, of the "not so closed-minded as everyone thought" class

  • Love_Truth


    If that is so, why was the soviet union toppled?

    Lack of motivation to succeed and be the best. Institutionalized apathy and laziness. Socialism does that, that's why I vote Republican.

    In the usa, that is not the situation at all among evolutionists. From what i can see, evolutionists and humanists, see themselves and their own opinion as supreme. That is certainly my own attitude, although there are things which i don't fully understand, and so don't have a final conclusive opinion.

    I would not dispute that it is the individual in the US and similar societies that makes the decision what they personally believe. However, in reference to Government, if your beliefs clash with those of the Government, you may find yourseld being punished by the Government for your insistence on practicing your beliefs, rather than the Government's. Also, when we vote, we vote for what we perceiove to be the "lesser evil". So none of us truly gets their way,. In other words, the Government ultimately makes the rules. In general, if one believes in God, and His word, they will have a strong enough conviction to hold the Government in a lesser class of power and authority than one who who does not believe in God and his word, thus, Government becomes the ultimate authority to non-believers. That is the point of secular teaching of evolution theory as virtual fact, and I am not at all alone in that conclusion.

    I do agree that brainwashing, while being reduced due to a more educated proletariat, is still widely used, and has been refined and redefined in the last 50 yrs.

    Absolutely. The evidence is overwhelming. The media, organized religion, and academic institutions are all tools of the trade.

    Love_Truth- Convinced.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Belief in God and/or creation is just another belief without adequate proof, too.

    L_T, you post threads about the bible which you specifically ask non-beleivers to avoid... and to the best of my knowledge, they have.

    Why are you going onto threads created for discussing evolution purposely looking to simply argue against evolution? Quite honestly, isn't that a double standard?

  • Love_Truth


    Incidentally, while I do not believe in evolution, and have good reason for believing as I do, even if it were someday proven to be factual, (provided one believes God caused it be so), it has no bearing on our salvation. So, I should mention that not all who believe in evolution theory believe exactly what is taught by mainstream evolutionists- that God had nothing to do with the Creation.

    I would not call that belief, however, true "Evolution Theory". It sounds more like a slant on Creationism to me.

    Love_Truth- of the "I'll believe otherwise only when new evidence is revealed that proves me wrong" class.

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