Elders are SUPPOSED to maintain confidentiality. If they don't, they can be deleted as elders. Still, one of the biggest complaints that I can recall from some in the congregation, was that Elder So-and-So told his wife or another MS that someone had a problem or had to be counseled.....Did it ever happen to you?
Did You Ever Tell An Elder Something Confidential Only To Hear It Blabbed??
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
Doubtfully Yours
Oh yes!!! Happens all the time!
Also, once some people lose their positions, they go about revealing confidential stuff entrusted to them when they were elders. I've seen it done over and over; or they go telling their wives and these in turn tell their best friends, so on and so on.
I always thought is was funny when people like MS's would tell me about something I did that I had been to a JC about... that was always a nice feeling. That MS was a real prick though.
It happened all the time and will keep happening. I have never seen an elder deleted unless the info was about the WTS, another elder, or the CO/DO.
I love the loophole. Elders can tell elders in their own congregation or another IF they don't mention names. Of course, with enough details of the situation, even elders can put 2 and 2 together and figure out who the person is.
I told an elder once that I was going to wait until my next talk on the school and just use the 5 minutes to tell everyone the facts once and for all from the platform. I wonder why I didn't have a talk assigned that year.
Surprisingly not...I've heard of plenty of other people but it never happened to me personally...not that I know of anyway...
It wasn't really confidential but there was a talk about how kids in school should do and not do. I asked a elder after the meetings why jws don't build schools for jw kids. Holy crap did he come down on me,he said in a very loud voice,We don't have the funds for such things and jw children need to know what jehovah want's out of them.I can't remember it all be all the ears turned to listen and looked at me like i was nuts.If they want these kids to not have any life a jw school would do it.
This was one of the first lesson I learned as a Witless... never tell them nothin'! I never heard of an Eldorf ever getting removed for violating a confidence. Whenever I was assigned to a new Hall the first thing I had my wife do was talk to the Eldorf's wives. I knew all about my new assignment inside of a week! The dopey Eldorfs all thought I was just very intuitive. Maverick
the elder will tell his wife while rocking on top of her or something....or the biggest one that gets me is that the elder will tell the mother, and tell her to keep it silent, shh and such....and the mother will tell every damn person in the congregation...........
What's bad is when a person tells an elder a confidence and then the body of elders decides to give a local needs talk about whatever you confided in to the elder about.
Elders meet Scriptural requirements before being 'appointed
by holy spirit.' Knowing this will strengthen your confidence
in them. What you discuss with an elder will remain strictly
confidential. Being trustworthy is one of his qualifications.
(The Watchtower, March 1, 1997, p. 28)
"Note: Reports have been received where elders have revealed
confidential matters to their wives or others in the congregation."
(Pay Attention 1977 p.65)
"Sadly, in recent times it has been necessary to disfellowship
tens of thousands of unrepentant wrongdoers each year.
Prominent elders have been included among them."
(Proclaimers, WTBTS 1993, p. 187)