I have great ass control. When out with my (ex) husband, I used to like to walk beside him and ease one out. Then I would meander away knowing that others would blame him since he was a man and men are suspect when it comes to farting.
Farting at the Kingdom Hall.
by avishai 73 Replies latest jw friends
wow. That's so mean..I think I dig you more with every post!
White Dove
My uncle let one riiiiiiip super loud at a meeting back in the 50's. He was a teenager at the time.
Everyone laughed.
Guys seem to get away with it easier than gals.
White Dove
I agree. This board is full of politics and serious stuff. It's gotten really boring lately.
Thanks for digging this one up. I haven't had a good laugh in a long time.
By the way, why do farts smell?
So deaf people can enjoy them, too!
We had a woman in our hall who didn't have to fart to produce noxious odors. She smelled so bad that our hall, which was divided into a middle and two side sections of seats, was always empty in whatever section she sat in. She was banned from book studies because no one wanted her in their house, as the house would stink so bad when she left that it would take hours if not days to remove the odor.
White Dove
Geez, sounds like she could have had maggots in her armpits and under her breasts.
That does happen, you know, to very heavy and very dirty people.
One of the learning channels showed pictures of that kind of thing.
Just trying to liven up a dull "bored."
Since I fart all the time, I am sure I let out some gas at a kh. Usually silent and if smelly I was never accused of performing the act.
avishai: "I learned how to light farts at a JW get-together."
So did my best friend. That's how he caught his pants on fire!
wow. That's so mean..I think I dig you more with every post!
Hehe, yeah it's mean. But the bastard would get me back. Every morning when he went out to check on the bunnies in their hutch, he would blow an ass trumpet that could be heard on the other side of the house. Try explaining THAT to the neighbors.
once at the circuit assembly, the after noon talk when everyone had just eaten lunch and you little sleepy, heads are bobbing up and down trying to stay awake. This little elder sister who was sitting near the front starting up the aisle. As she came up the aisle the frinds where laughing uncontrolably.I found out why when she past our row.This sister was ripping off farts all the way up the aisle. I am sure the frinds was wondering what was so funny in our section. That incident woke all the frinds up. The poor sister never return too her seat. There is a direct connection between old age and gas.