today was a bad day

by orangefatcat 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Talk about bad days I think I just had a dousey. I got up which was good as that meant I was alive. Took my bath and started my day with my husband taking me out for breakfast. It was pouring in rain also. We had a good time. Got back to the car and we came home. Hubby took a bath, I decided to go to Walmart and Business Depot. Got back home and there before me was not my hubby. but Mr. Hyde. He was so mad at me and he told me that "your" son called and he is hungry and wanted to come over. Hubby told my son I was out. So then I am home and the shit hits the fan . He started at me about my son, he is a leech and a bum and has got the balls to ask to come over after we (but it was me) gave him 650.00 to pay for his rent. He my son, had an accident at work several months ago and so he has had no income for several months while he is waitning for Workers Compensation to kick in. They told my son he will not recieve any money from them until he see their doctors. He has already seen his doctor and is having physcio and his legs are a mess and he needs surgery from the accident at work. Now the WCB says he has to wait until June/july until he sees their doctors. So is my son suppose to life on nothing when he has no money? So we were helping him. The best I could as I am on a pension for disablity. I took him several day s last week to Social service for Assistance and they were giving him the run around, They want to know all about the compensation and until they recieve a letter from his family doctor about his condition they will not give him any money either. Nor will my sons natural father help him out one iota not one dam bit. He is such a dead beat father and a real prick and a stupid dam JW. Anyway yesterday we got the forms he needed for the family doctor to fill in so he can take them over to Social Services to recieve some money. He didn't or hasn't had a dime for months. So I took him to the food bank and gave him some of my money that I had to keep him going . However I had to get 650.$ for his rent or he would have been evicted. His father refused to help as he would rather see his own son on the street than help him. However he takes care of his new wive child. I hot and mad as hell. Welfare say they will pay him money next week but his landlady wasn't happy to have to wait for her money as her mortgage is due on the first. I asked his step sister for the money and she sent it and the rent is now payed, but still he has no food in the house. Some how I have to sneak some over to him tomorrow. And so my husband said when the f**k is this kid of yours going to stop, you help him and then he spits in our face. Of course that is a lie, but to my husband who is cracked thinks otherwise. I have no idea why he said that or why he feels that way towards my son. My son is a great kid and for some reason my new husband just can't take to him and I don't know why. I told him if one of his children needed help wouldn't you help them. Wouldn't I help them, would I close the door on them. No way I wouldn't He hemmed and hawed about it. So I have had to listen to my husband since this afternoon, that I stole money from his pocket. I snucked over to my son and probably gave him money. I told my hubby I hadn't seen my son all day. He called my a liar and a thief tonight. During the afternoon when I had gone out to shop and pick up a couple of things I thought he would be happy that I brought him from Ontario Disabilty Support Program a form so he can get new glasses. And then I had gone over to Ontario Housing as we live in a Seniors Building and we are in desperate need of a handicapped unti on account of my physcial condition. It went well. Now you'd think that that would have pleased him but no way in hell, he just lead into my like a banshee calling me everyhing in the book cause of my son and he thought I stole his fucking money. Gawd I was a mess. I just couldn't reason with him if my life depended upon it. He hasn't spoke to me now in several hours. He is treating me like shit. I am so crazy right now I had to come into here just to get this off my chest. I am so sad that my husband believes I would take his money, which I never did or have. If i need money from him I ask him to borrow it from him even though it belongs to both of us. He also said I took money out of the bank and didn't tell him. But I did I put 25.$ of gas in the car an payed for it with interac. He has really been cruel to me as of late. It has happened twice last week that he got all over me for forgetting to do something or did something that upset him. He is 74 yrs old and is suffering from onset of early Alzimers, and he won't take his medication properly. So what am I suppose to do, I can't beat it into him. But he is such a stubborn stubborn man. He has hurt my feelings so much of late that I was going to pick up and leave last week. Then I thought to myself, why the hell should I pick up and move away. Let him do it. I am staying put, I am not budging from this apartment. So if he is that unhappy I am telling him he can leave. His daughter the yongest is a wonderful dear and we get along wonderfully and I told her what pops has been up too and she feels terrible that her dad is being like this. She thinks too he is going mentally or something else that has not be diagnosed She tries real hard the talk to her pops but he never listens and I am beginning to think that the Alzimiers is not all that is going on with him, He has beena total Dr Jeckkyl and Mr. Hyde. It keeps getting worse and I don't know what to really do. I spoke to the doctor the other day and he wants to see him, but I can't drag him to the doctor he puts his back up and says that the doctor only wants to give him all kinds of pills. I guess I just needed to talk to someone and that is why I am here. Thanks for listening to me.

    Love Orangefatcat..

  • Valis

    ofc...that sucks bad! please just take care of yourself and DO NOT BE ABUSED BY A SPOUSE OR LOVER EVER! Do I need to yell louder? Please take care and maybe even ask him if counseling is an option....If not the you have an answer staring you in the face.


    District Overbeer

  • simplesally

    Orange!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry to hear this. I don't know what to say except is there a support group in your local area for Alzheimers families? It's hard to disassociate the person from the disease. Please don't remember him this way and try ways to cope. There has to be care for the care giver and I am glad that your step daughter does know what is going on.

    I feel for your son as well and your situation as the mom. As Mommies, we will always give to our babies, no matter how old they get. I can see he is not wasting your money on drugs and alcohol so don't feel bad about helping him.

    Feel loved...............


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Terry I just sent you a PM and then found this. (((((Terry)))))

    You really don't need this extra stress. If it is Alzheimers he might forget what he was angry about by tomorrow - well we can hope.

    If money has disappeared is it possible he spent it and doesn't remember?

    You might want to talk to your doctor about having an involuntary assessment done.

    Just wishing I could be there to give you a real hug

  • LyinEyes

    (((((((((((OrangeFatCat))))))))))) you are such a sweet , supportive person,,,,,,,,you sure don't deserve that kind of treatment. Even if he has a medical problem,,,,,,,,,he is tearing you apart. Hang in there and while you are deciding what to do.....make some plans , it will make you feel better to know that if things get really bad you have a plan of action.

    I hope that things will level out,,,,,maybe if you tell him to take his meds , straighten up or he can pack his shit..........he might just come to his senses. If he doesnt , then you did all you can. We can't control how other people behave,,,,but we don't have to live with it either. I know that is easier said than done,,,,,,,,I know many who struggled for months, years before they just couldnt take it anymore , for one reason or another. Stay safe, and know we all love you very much hon.

    Love ya,,,,,,,,Dede

  • morty


    Sorry to hear that you have to endure such pain...Thinking of you....

    As another poster said, you do not have to put up with ANY abuse...Please see if there is someone that can help you in your area...Start with the blue pages in the phone book..Look under Abuse..

    Dont feel quilty as well about helping you son...No matter what our childrens age, we still have that need to help and protect them..


  • talesin


    Gosh, hon, this is quite a situation. You're doing all the right things. Altzheimers is just so hard to deal with, it sounds like he is getting quite volatile. Make sure you're safe. You have some good suggestions above from lee and sally - why don't you make a couple of calls. The bloody WCB - it's the same here, you pay and pay, then can't get anything back without fighting for it (when you're already injured and need help). I hope your son is okay, you too. Life shouldn't be like this.



  • Carmel

    You fat old orange cat, that return key works great for making paragraphs... I'd love to read your story but one continuous paragraph...forget it!

    caveman who had a bad reading day

  • FlyingHighNow

    Orange, honey don't worry about the paragraph thingie, all someone has to do is to high light an area and read it a bit at the time. No problem.

    Sometimes in situations like this that aren't easily fixed, you need validation. You need to hear that helping your son is a wonderful and loving thing.That we trust your judgment that your son is a sweetheart. That sharing your small pension with him is a very loving and unselfish act. You need to hear that we know you aren't a thief. You also need to hear that your husband's overreaction is not called for.

    I have heard that diseases like Alzheimer's can cause personality changes and erratic behavior as well as mood swings. This is still hard to live with and to deal with but it should help at least a little to understand why husband is behaving the way he is.

    Can you talk with his doctor? You have the internet, can you do some research and arm yourself with knowledge about the symptoms of early Alzheimer's? Can you join a support group and speak with people who have dealt successfully with mates in his condition. Does he have a home nurse, social worker or case worker who might have some ideas for a livable solution should his behavior continue or worsen?

    I hope you have friends close by who can help you cope. Sounds like your husband's youngest daughter could offer you a lot of support. Let her help you if she can.

    You are one of the sweetest, most refreshing ladies who posts here. I am thinking of you and hoping there is great relief in store for you.




  • orangefatcat

    Thanks to all of you for your concern, I am very greatful to have friends like you.

    Its nice to know that your being thought. I love all of you so much. Hubby went to bed early last night and I didn't attempt to go tobed and around 12am he came to see me in the livingroom to apologize for the way he treated and spoke to me. Marco is a very proud man so to hear him apologize was good. He knew he hurt me real bad, because I wasn't in bed but out here in the livingroom on the computer posting to you guys.

    He told me to go off to bed and once again he said he was sorry. I know he was sorry, but I told him he hurt me real bad.

    I am hoping that he dosen't have that happen again. But I know I will have many more days like this because of the violence that goes along with Alzimiers. I have already got a few brouchures from my doctor about it. And our daughter knows I am have a rough go of it with pops, but my biggest problem is that Sharal and Jez live 21/2 hrs away from us. They live east of us in a community called WarkWorth. They have a small town, but a big prison. I am hoping that we might move closer to them as she know Sharal that is , that I haven't got the physical strength to deal with Marco. She asked me the other day how much we can afford for rent. So I think they have something in mind. Her and Jez just bought a farm house with four acres, and they have a horse and cat and dog and a goat named Rosie. So I am hoping we will find something closer to them. She would be able to help me with her dad.

    Well I hope Carmel you are happy, I made several paragraphs just for you.

    And to all of you once again thanks and Lady Lee thanks for the PM.

    With All My Love

    Orangefatcat.....OrangeFatCat 15 Animated Hearts Animated Hearts

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