today was a bad day

by orangefatcat 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beans

    Terry, what congregation is your X husband at, we can pay him a visit and make life unconfortable for him in front of the whole congregation, they wont know who we are either so it will drive him mad!

    Better times are ahead sweets!

    L Beano

  • mouthy

    Terri... If you want to run away for a couple of days. I have a pull out bed... I live in a seniors also at least he apoligised

    >>>>>I dont know how to make spaces between pharagrahs

  • mouthy

    Oh I did it Hurrah. Terri. I think you will find most men are jealous of the step sons ----They know we love them no matter what they need.

    If you need a shoulder I am here 519 664-2857

  • little witch
    little witch


    (((((BIG HUGS)))) First off.

    Dang I am sorry you are having these troubles, I just hate marital problems. They seem to touch the very core of everything do they not?

    Anyways, I want to tell you that Alztimers (sp) and parkinsons first involve charactor changes and the spouse is the first to recognize this.

    And trust your instinct, if you feel that something is amiss in hubby's personality, then have him tested by all means.

    They test by using memory tests initially, the short term memory is the first to be out of whack. They remember 50 years ago, but not last week.

    So, that is my advice on the medical matter. see a doc as soon as you can ok?

    I am keeping you in my thoughts, keep us informed.

  • orangefatcat

    thanks Beans buddy, I love you, you are the sweetest. I tell you John is in the Newmarket West Congregation. Have fun do what you want his last name is Laurie and his stupid new wife is Diane.

    My sweet and dear friend Grace, what would I do without you, I know Marco is a great guy and I know that it is something in his brain. But Little Witch mentioned Parkinson's disease to, and yes he has tremors in his hands and arms. But I think they are the damage he got from a triple aneursym in 1975 I think its residual damage.

    Little Witch, thanks for your thoughts and I am getting little booklet from the doctor and on Monday I am going to call our family doctor and insist he run tests on Marco because normal he wouldn't be like this.

    Although he is an emotional man I believe it is because of his upbringing and that he is Greek and they are known to be more predisposed to emotionals.

    I have taken all your hugs and put them in my pocket and when I need one I will pull it out.

    You are the best and what more can a person ask for in life but to have loving and caring friends. I know I have to get him help as I too am not will physcially. I am just waiting approval from the government for an electric scooter. The ocupational therapist says it takes 6-8 week before we will know. So please keep your positive thought coming my way so that I can get it. I am at the stage in my life where walking is so bad, and the pain is so unbearable most of the time. I really need it badly so I have some kind of freedom.

    Love you all so much, your friend

    Orangefatcat.......TerryOrangeFatCat 15Double KissLadies Night Double Kiss

  • bikerchic


    Just wanted you to know I'm thinking good thoughts for you. Hang in there!


  • Purple

    From bitter expereince hun I can tell you that it is the Alzheimers and the medication bit that is happening. The Jekle Hyde syndrome is quite typical in certain stages, His Alzheimers is advancing and he cant control his temper. This phase will pass. I cant say about the unreasonableness. Most people manage to hide their bad temper but with certain types of ALzheimers the person quickly looses the ability to do this and the result is what you are living through now. You need to go to your doctor with him and talk through this as there may be medication that can help. This is the phase many couples go through where they split up. Its really just a lack of advice about this that splits people up. It can last for a long time or can be a short term thing. It is usually followed by the aggressive sexual phase where your hubby may sow his last wild oats and start acting inapporpriately. Hun get some advice from the Alzheimer's Association or your local carer's organisation. They will help you go through this so you come out the other side a whole person. ITs painful as hell and you feel you are going mad. Talk to p[eople who have gone through simialr things and you will find you are not alone and that there is some hope. He will also go through periods where he is his old self again before the "end" stage. This will take years and medication will prolong it and mildly manage it. Keep talking, feel free to PM me if you need to. I hear you and have been through so much it is incredible!

  • cruzanheart
    He is 74 yrs old and is suffering from onset of early Alzimers

    My heart goes out to you, OFC. I watched two uncles and my mother degenerate with Alzheimer's, and it's a bad, scary thing. Mom in particular was very VERY angry and took it out on Dad, which made him an absolute nervous wreck.

    Here in the U.S. we have an Alzheimer's Association (you can look it up on the Internet) and our local chapter has support groups and counselors to talk to. Check to see if there's a Canadian branch -- I'm sure there is. They can help you or at the very least provide someone to talk to when he gets unreasonable. You need support for this, my dear -- it's too hard to go through on your own.

    And I'm sorry about your son! I'll bet 20 years ago before the onset of the disease your husband would have been more reasonable about the matter.

    Hang in there and keep us posted.

    Love & hugs,


  • Sunnygal41

    I didn't read the whole thread and responses, so perhaps someone else has already shared this information with you, {{{{{Terry}}}}} My mom was in the senior healthcare field for twenty years. At least one of her patients was an older woman who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. She shared with me that people become very violent and enrage easily when they have this disease. So, I think what is going on is not the real hubby you have known and loved........he truly has become a Jekyll/Hyde because of this horrible disease. I am so very sorry to hear about this going on in your life. <sigh> My prayers and thoughts are with you!


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