Hey, Pagans, what's your plans for Spring Rites 2004?

by talesin 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Spring Equinox is soon upon us, w/e of March 19-21

    I plan to head out to the country, join with a bunch o pagan friends for some home-grown music, food and general celebration of the season's change. Hoping the weather cooperates ...

    What's your plans?


  • Gadget

    I'm going to a beer festival with a group of apostastes...........


  • talesin

    Hey, Gadget

    That's right, it's the same weekend, I hadn't noticed (DOH).

    Was reading the thread, one of these days I'll come with ...

    But in the meantime, I'll raise a glass of 'scrumpy' to you folks across the pond... if you'll remember me in a toast. But only one glass for me, mind, that stuff gives a helluva hangover *lol* I like the name 'scrumpy', never heard it before ... we just call it cider here.


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Call in sick to work and BBQ and drink beers on the patio!

  • Celtic

    Find somewhere on the moors, light fire and meditate.


  • talesin


    Looks like you're all set! What's the flag if you don't mind my asking?


    sounds peaceful ... earth, fire, lay back and lose yerself in the stars ......


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    That flag is what they give you after completing your year at Bethel!

    No, for real, thats the flag of Puerto Rico. The homeland of my parents.

  • talesin

    homey, for completing a year at Bethel, they should give you a MEDAL!

    Hey cool, it looked familiar, thought it *might* be Puerto Rico, but this Canuck can hardly keep the Cdn. ones straight and you Yanks have so many ....

    Here's mine, kinda plain, but I love the Plantagenet Lion (think of 'good' King Richard from Robin Hood)

    Nova Scotia Flag Flat View

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Canada is cool, I liked Toronto a lot, its sort of like a clean Brooklyn. Went to the top of the CN Tower and stood over Japenese people who layed on the clear plexiglass floor!

  • talesin

    Hey, that elevator ride's quite a trip, what? I got such a rush coming down, thought we were gonna hit!

    and bakatcha, I been to NYC 'the city that never sleeps', unfortunately had to waste most of my time you-know-where, but we did hit RCMH and saw the Rockettes. You and your fam should come and visit the Maritimes sometime, you'd love it! It's a lot like New England, esp. ME, NH & VT.


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