Hey, Pagans, what's your plans for Spring Rites 2004?

by talesin 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    My favorite place in Maine is Kennebunkport. Small fishing village, fishing boats, plenty of hotels and touristy things to do and Walkers Point, the Bush compound!

  • gaiagirl

    Perhaps something like this.....

  • Sirona

    Hi Talesin,

    I'll be going to the Equinox ritual that my coven holds. I'm the maiden this year. We all bring painted eggs and something else to contribute - I know this year we're having a recital by a priest of Pan (he is part of our coven).

    Apart from that, I'll be sorting out my "garden" (its a yard really, but has potted plants and a little tree)

    Its a lovely time of year, one of my favorites (although my fav festival is still a toss up between Beltane and Samhain)


  • czarofmischief
    Here's mine, kinda plain, but I love the Plantagenet Lion (think of 'good' King Richard from Robin Hood)j

    Also Edward I from Braveheart and Richard III...


    Pennsylvania has a cool flag, I think...


  • talesin


    I can only see red x


    That sounds great - I have a couple friends who practice Wicca, but they are solitaires, not part of a coven. Would love to go to a Wiccan celebration, though. The eggs will be lovely, I'm sure ...

    There will be no gardening here - still recovering from the 38" of snow we got a couple of weeks ago, so it won't 'feel' like spring for a month or two *sigh*.


    What a bee-yooteeful flag! Love the two black horses - I think I'll look that up, see what it's all about.

    Yes, the Plantagenets were an interest of mine as a teenager, read lots of books (fiction and non) about them, there's a few that are still famous. Love the historical fiction around them - my favourite was called Katherine by Anya Seton (daughter of Ernest T. Seton).


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    You mean the guy who wrote "Two Little Savages"?

  • talesin


    Yes, that is he. He also wrote The Trail of The Sandhill Stag, which is the one that always comes to my mind (a childhood favourite).


  • Sirona



    That sounds great - I have a couple friends who practice Wicca, but they are solitaires, not part of a coven. Would love to go to a Wiccan celebration, though. The eggs will be lovely, I'm sure ...

    There are lots and lots of solitary practitioners out there. I find that being in a coven helps me to stay grounded and have a bit more perspective. Honestly, when I was solitary I thought I was unique in the way I thought and the things I'd learned, but meeting the coven, I'm almost put to shame by their knowledge and experience. The HP and HPS rarely talk about their own abilities though, and its a really "down to earth" group. The rituals we hold are really lighthearted (usually) and its OK if you forget your words or knock over a candle (set your robe alight is a favorite with the HP who doesn't "get on" with fire so well LOL)

    I'm sure you'd enjoy our festivals. You should find a group who are willing to allow visitors to certain events so that you could experience it. Maybe your friends would hold something together with you invited?

    We follow a British Tradition, our book of shadows was passed down by a family who practised in the 19th century. They only started allowing others to join in the '70s and now the group strictly restricts numbers to 13. Another coven has formed as a sort of hive off, but I'm part of the main group by their choice. We're currently looking for more men to balance things out, there are only 3 men at the moment.

    Sometimes we meet up with the other coven for a festival, or have festivals which are "open" for visitors, which is always nice, you can't beat having 30 people weaving a maypole! (most often its chaos)

    Tell me more about your path...


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