What Are You Guilty Over?

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Surreptitious
    I feel guilty for declaring war on Cleveland.

    I'm glad you did though Czar. We haven't had any trouble outta Cleveland ever since.

  • dustyb

    i admit, i was the second gunman on the grassy noel........

    na, the biggest thing i'm guilty over is taking everything my grandparents did for me for granted..... i'm a spoiled bitch =P

  • onacruse

    A year ago, I could've listed a whole bunch of stuff that I felt guilty about.

    Now: Nothing.

    Life is what it is.

  • LyinEyes

    Amen Craig to that.

    I feel guilty for being a JW with children, and bringing them up that way. I am trying to make up for it the best I can. My 17 yr old son has of course more issues to deal with than the younger two do and will have.

    I feel guilty for being an idiot..........idiotto ( learned that word in the movie tonite) about the JW's teachings from the early years and never looking into my own religion. I just did what I was told. Idiotto.

  • little witch
    little witch

    I don't feel a specific guilt, just lingering guilt over my general decisions in life. I hope that I made the right choices overall.

    Homey, your wife is lovely, and I hope you are refreshed by your hiatus. We all need that sometimes, at least I do.

    Nice doggy too! What a pair of ears! I bet he/she is an excellent watchdog.

  • czarofmischief

    I'm glad you did though Czar. We haven't had any trouble outta Cleveland ever since.

    Yeah, that's true. Just the wave of my mighty Steel City fist sent the cowardly Dawg Pound back into their Great Lake Mistake Hellhole where they tremble and cower at my passage.


  • Sassy
    Don't feel bad sweetie. You were a GOOD mom in that you did what YOU THOUGHT was best. Why should you feel guilty? I have regrets about my dub life......but not guilt.

    Thanks gumby...

    I am still living the repurcussions though of my efforts.. it's hard not to feel some guilt..

    I also feel a little guilty for breaking off three engagements... even though I know each of them would have been a mistake...

    Sure wish I would have broken off that last engagement before marrying my second husband.. no guilt there though.. only anger at how stupid I was..

  • czarofmischief

    Hey, why should you feel guilty over listening to the instincts that you ignored the one time you married the guy you shouldn't have... wait... lost in the negatives...

    How about a pinhug, Sassy, and let it go.


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