The Most Complicated Task

by Undecided 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    I was just sitting here thinking about life. Dealing with it is the most complicated thing we have to do. The different circumstances that faces each of us and how to deal with it is mind-boggling. I was thinking of some of my relatives and some of the things that they have to face. It's sometimes easy for us to say what they should do, but we don't know the emotional truma that they face, or their ability to handle things. Some of the time we can see what brought the situation to it's current state, but would we have done differently had we had their mental attitude and life? Should we let their problems ruin our state of peace?

    Many times things just happen that we can't control that is so damaging to our life. There seems to be no way to overcome the damage. Why do some people seem to be able to handle it and others just break apart?

    I've been so lucky in my life, I wonder how I would handle tragedy? I hope I never have to find out.

    It's a beautiful day, I think I will go sit in my swing and just forget about all this complicated stuff.

    Ken P.

  • gumby

    Ken.....ya old bastard you! Your going to sit on your swing while Gumby has to work his arse off and do honeydoo's all day today

    Some of the time we can see what brought the situation to it's current state, but would we have done differently had we had their mental attitude and life? Should we let their problems ruin our state of peace?

    Our loved ones actions are going to effect us no matter what. You can't stop or change that. We all wish we could have done things different so that life would be a little smoother now. Each generation will take care of you just enjoy today on your swing......and don't worry bout tomarrow.

    Nice to hear from you ol' bud


  • JamesThomas
    I was just sitting here thinking about life. Dealing with it is the most complicated thing we have to do.

    Often times life seems so "complicated" because we are dealing so much of the time with thoughts, mental interpretations, abstractions and conceptualizations of life, rather than Life itself. We are not one with reality, but rather slightly removed, and this causes problems and complications. Usually we "break apart" because there is a important fundamental reality that we just don't see (and just because we may not "break apart" does not mean we see. We may just be better at numbing ourselves than others). We don't see that it is our minds dwelling on regretful past events and coloring the future with these dark hues which causes much of our suffering. We don't see the jabbering minds off-switch. We have come to believe we have no control over thoughts, and in so doing often believe the thinking mind to be who we are as it absorbs so much of our attention (the thinking mind is continually and frantically weaving an identity out of thought and interpretation. The process takes attention and focus away from the present moment, which is the only real truth we have, and where our true-identity resides). The remedy is in consciously stepping back and clearly seeing thoughts as just thoughts. See that they are like

  • galaxy7

    It is amazing how we can get over tasks that seem so complicated

    In 2000 thousand my husband died I looked after him at home and we were together alone when he took his last breath

    At the same time my granddaughter was dying and i could not go to help my daughter

    I didnt think there was a way to cope but I guess there always is

    In 2001 I married again we were married only 9 months when he suddenly died as we were talking one evening

    That same week i found I needed emergency open heart surgery so had no time to mourn

    Life goes on .Memories are tucked away and every so often they resurface at unexpected times

    I have learned a life lesson that there is nothing that is worth getting to upset over,That we should appreciate each day as if it will be our last

    I am not afraid of death anymore so in that way the witnesses have lost their power over me

    I guess the art of handling any situation is to know it wont last and things will get better


  • Undecided


    You must be a strong person to cope with those problems of life. I don't know how I would have coped with those happenings in my life. May your life be uphill from here.

    Ken P.

  • Undecided

    JT that was an interesting concept, we let our minds control our physical being, when we could just shut it out and enjoy our current state of existance. Our mind seems to control our life for the worse, when we could be enjoying our current state. Good idea.

    Ken P.

  • Undecided

    Gumby old buddy, don't let the lady run you down with honeydoo's. I just told mine that nothing was ever going to satisfy her, so I was going out to my swing and chill out. She went to town with her sister and I stayed home to enjoy my beer(She won't let me drink one in her presence, she wouldn't stop me but I don't like hearing her disaproval since her dad was a drunk.)

    Don't work too hard, I'm retired from a job and am taking a break from the honeydoo's today. I'm not going to worry about anything.

    Ken P.

  • JamesThomas


    Peace and wholeness is within.

    However, there is intense energy focus on the intellectual minds perspective which gives it authority to create our world....which is not Reality. Notice how you used words like "interesting concept" and "good idea". This is the mind speaking as it pigeon holes everything.

    The significance behind what I was sharing is lost when categorized as "concept" or "idea". As we bring it into the intellectual realm it evaporates into an empty thought, a brief remembrance of what someone once said. Good for nothing but a brief moment of distraction.

    There must be an actual and real stepping back -- within ourselves -- out of concept and idea; that there be the opportunity for clear seeing of the distinct difference between a thought-created-reality and actual-Reality.

    In order to be in harmony with what is, we have to realize what is. Reality, and our true identity is infinitely more than the patchwork fabric weaved by the mind. However, believing this or seeing it as a good idea doesn't help. We have to take the time to be deeply consciously present in order to see it.

    Sorry, if I am sounding too preachy today.


  • Undecided


    thought-created-reality and actual-Reality.

    Without thought, we are no more than a tree, alive yes but the brain and thought is what makes us realize we are alive. When someone has a head injury and can't think they are no more than a tree. Thought is what life is, or do you think we have a spirt soul that is really responsible for what we are.

    Thought and feelings is what makes humans different, otherwise we would all be the same. I guess the physical body determines our health but the mental activity is what makes it move and work, love and hate and survive.

    I don't really understand the concept you are trying to explain.

    If I'm sitting in my swing and say, 'Look, I'm OK and block out all the other things that make life what it is, maybe that would be the reality, but we need food, heat, housing, relationships to make life worth while. At least that is the way I see it.

    Ken P.

  • JamesThomas
    I don't really understand the concept you are trying to explain.

    It's probably that my explanations are unclear. In your original post you mentioned concern around the possible tragedies in life. Perhaps much of our concern, fear and suffering can be alleviated. Perhaps it can be seen that it is our thoughts about life that breeds much of suffering -- not life itself. There have been people in concentration camps, in some of the worst situations imaginable who were not suffering as much as the average person does today. Why, because they were in conscious connection with a reality of Life that is far more than our intellectual interpretations and conceptualizations of life. They were aware of what can not be taken away no matter outside circumstance. It is our thoughts that make us think a "tree" is some unconscious thing separate from who we are and thus gives us license to speak disrespectful of it. It is our thoughts that hide the reality of the oneness of life. When this is clearly seen, concern, fear and suffering greatly lessens. Ken, what if you were sitting in your swing and thought and said nothing; and instead where just openly and silently present with life's embrace? What then? You would probably experience one of the most beautiful and fulfilling moments ever. Not via "thought" but through open and clear, thought-less consciousness. A formless conscious awareness embracing life so intimately as to be in no way recognizably separate or different from Life Itself. As far as your question about a "spirit soul" being who we are: when the mind is still and attention is nakedly and silently present, there is no "me", no one experiencing life, there is just Life. Perhaps it could be said that: " I and the Father are one." Could this be a universal truth? Please do not take it personally if this all seems confusing. English was my worst subject within a very limited education. There may be trees which write better than I do.


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