Hi All,
I was just sitting here thinking about life. Dealing with it is the most complicated thing we have to do. The different circumstances that faces each of us and how to deal with it is mind-boggling. I was thinking of some of my relatives and some of the things that they have to face. It's sometimes easy for us to say what they should do, but we don't know the emotional truma that they face, or their ability to handle things. Some of the time we can see what brought the situation to it's current state, but would we have done differently had we had their mental attitude and life? Should we let their problems ruin our state of peace?
Many times things just happen that we can't control that is so damaging to our life. There seems to be no way to overcome the damage. Why do some people seem to be able to handle it and others just break apart?
I've been so lucky in my life, I wonder how I would handle tragedy? I hope I never have to find out.
It's a beautiful day, I think I will go sit in my swing and just forget about all this complicated stuff.
Ken P.