I just wonder what the UN was thinking when it let the WT join-there doesn't seem to be any benefit for the U.N.
The WT doesn't really meet the NGO criteria
-1st-WT doesn't share the ideals of UN charter
-2nd- not for profit org-no I think the WT makes a good deal of money as a publishing organization
-3rd-the WT does reach a large captive audience-but no one main stream like educators, media representatives, policy makers for the most part
-4th-cooperation with media?-no usually the WT hides from the media, and only issues half-truths at best, and they hardly ever conduct interviews
Someone at the UN should do more research before they just let anyone join and become a NGO. Of course to R&F members who read the literature, it would be obvious that the U.N. is bad but I guess it may not be so obvious to like the rest of the world. Maybe it just goes to show how little their literature is consumed by those other than loyal dubs.
Secondly, I would think that a better way to deal with this NGO-UN issue would simply be to say that this was another example of theocratic warfare. A trojan horse as it were. We know the UN is bad but we were actually just using them to advance the cause. The library card defense seems very flimsy but theocractic warfare sounds much better. Throw in a story about dubs lying to the NAZI's about where the books were kept or about the location of other dubs, and everyone would get the idea. Makes sense right.