How many of us here worship "other gods"? How many worshipped "other gods" before becoming converted to the witness religion? It's just so dumb.
*cough* *cough*
What is dumb? Worshipping other gods or the whole idea that there are other gods?
I believe that all gods are aspects or reflections of the "One God" and moreover they are the human interpretation of these aspects or qualities.
Therefore I don't have a problem praying to, or speaking to, a Goddess. Jehovah is a god, IMO, one of the many, but his (Yahweh's - if you can count yahweh as Jehovah...whole other matter) followers tried to claim that he was the only true God.
The One God or the ALL isn't in any form that we can interpret. Therefore we have all these gods springing up from different countries / belief systems, who are either "seen" as animal or in human form, because that is the best way for us to understand them.
Take the ancient egyptians, their gods had animal aspects to show the god's qualities, and of course the animal chosen was based on ancient egyptian thought.
Therefore, the bible (and WTS) say that Jehovah is the One true God because of their own belief system at the time and it was necessary to maintain one belief system or they'd mix theirs with other nations.