My two son's ages 20 and 25 are planning a trip to Puerto Vallarta Mexico .I need some advice from anyone who lives there or has vacationed there on what to watch out for .This is their first trip anywhere and they and i are clueless on what to look out for and not be taken advantage of ,and how to stay safe. Any help would be greatly appreciated . KLS
Son's going to Mexico, HELP
by kls 23 Replies latest jw friends
Phantom Stranger
Look, it's not like they are going into the interior of Mexico. Any tourist town like PV is fairly safe -stay in the popular open places and don't go looking for local hangouts.
If they get drunk and belligerent, or if the get popped for drugs, then they get to experience a Mexican jail and you probably get to pay a "fine"... but hey...
Tell them not to drink the water or sleep with any women named Ernesto.
Tell them not to drink the water or sleep with any women named Ernesto.
Voice of experience Bradley????
Goddam. Where did my post go?
As i was saying, tell them to absolutely not bring back any drugs towards the usa border. They will be searched at different places before reaching the border. Mj is illegal down there, believe it or not.
Don't drink the water. Don't eat anything raw.
Check with the Mexican Tourist Board on what is and is not legal. I believe they have an online web site but don't know what it is.
I've been to Puerto Vallarta several times and love it there. As long as they use common sense and follow the laws they should be ok.
Puerto Vallarta being one of the bigger touristy towns is relatively safe. I've been there and it was a great experience. One thing is to act like a local, ride the VW busses (taxi's) find a map and be able to tell the driver where you want to go. Most every vendor speaks English albeit selectively if ya know what I mean.
Don't carry a lot of cash on you, DON'T DRINK THE WATER, WHICH INCLUDES ICE IN THEIR DRINKS, EATING SALADS, FRUITS ANYTHING THAT WOULD BE WASHED IN WATER! IF YOU CAN PEEL IT YOU CAN EAT IT. Take some anti diarrheal medicine with them just in case. Stay together and in general just don't do anything you wouldn't do anywhere else on vacation. It really helps if you can speak the language.
An experience I had while there.........We were standing in the lobby of the hotel we were staying at when the Armored vehicle (like Brinks in the US) came to get the money 6 men jumped out of the truck( 2 stayed and guarded the truck). They were all carrying automatic guns with rolls of bullets going into the chamber and rows of bullets around their neck, pointed, loaded at everyone waving them back and forth. It was very intimidating to say the least. I was watching them as four of them surrounded the lobby of the hotel while the other two went up the elevator, no one could use the elevator!
I was told by the hotel clerk under his breath in a low tone to QUIT LOOKING AT THEM!!! After they left that same clerk told me I could have been shot just for looking at them, I believed him he was very serious about the whole thing!
Soooooo tell them to avoid the armored vehicles, mind their own business, lol
Relax Mom! I hope they have a great time!
This is important: LOCK ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS AT NIGHT. I know of 2 people who were broken into and their place ransacked while they were sleeping. Mexico is an extremely poor, beautiful country.
Respect the police. If they are stopped, ask if you can settle the matter now and "can you give the money to the judge for me." And offer $20.00. He will take it. Remember, they are paid poorly, and it is the violators that help support their families, not the Tax payers (I agree with this principle). Don?t tell him how much you have on you. In fact, have the 20 bill in another location, so he does not see how much you really have.
When getting a Taxi, negociate the price first, before you take off. $3-5 is fine, no tip required.
Hotel: Do not leave your valuables (lots of money, cameras, jewelry)
in your room, out in the open. Ask the Hotel to store them in the safe, or bury the stuff inside your suit case..
ATM: Do not let any one assist you, ever. A new scam is that the person takes your card to help, and gives you another card back....remember, you will get Pesos not dollars...about 10 to if you take out $ 60 US, then you will get 600 pesos. Banks have the best exchange rate, other places are rip offs.
The best place to buy booze at the best price is at the State run stores (the supermarkets). Liquor stores can and do charge more.
Avoid walking around in public drunk. Do not carry guns, knives, pepper spray or even ammo.
Cuban Cigars. You will be buying fake Cuban Cigars on the street and in the stores. Ask the Drivier to take you to the Casa De La Habano Dealer, there is only one such store in town. Anyplace else, and you are wasting your money. If they want to bring some back, just de-band them. The US Customs cannot prove that they are Cubans that way.
Senior Frog? s is the best place to party in town.