Do you agree with that statement?
JWs Enjoy Looking Down On Others. It Makes Them Feel Good About Themselves!
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Phantom Stranger
No, I don't, as a class. Many JW's are compassionate, caring people.
Many humans do try to build up their self-image by tearing others down... but JWs don't have any sort of exclusive on that, and I don't think it's a dominant characteristic of JW's - at least as something they "enjoy".
As regards anything about faith or spirituality, yes definately. In normal eveyday stuff I would say no. No worse than anybody else.
I completely agree with your statement, Minimouse, and cannot disagree with the others statements more.
Whilst I was in aproximately, well, I'd say seven congregations over parts of Canada, I can honestly say that it was a "secret" that they would just have to share with you when you were out in service, etc. on how people would "die" because they did not act, LOL! I think that they are amongst the strangest, most low-self-esteemed people I have ever had the displeasure of "assosiating" with.
The botchtower makes them feel so low all the time. Then when they get a botchtower on "false religion", man oh man, they sure love to make the comments, and tear down other religions, people, etc. etc. etc... not to mention the endless gossip, personal problems with certain "others" in the congregations (myself, because I watched "the Simpsons", people would call me "bad assosiation").
Classic examples of low-self esteem.
But can you really blame them? I was, at first, right alongside them condeming others in and out of the "congregation of christian Jehovahs Witnesses" for doing dumb things like watching a "war" movie, staying out too late, being "irregular" in service, not having 10hours in service, not being baptized by 18, not buying a 4 door car for service, being a skinhead for having short hair (myself), being told that hanging out with only groups of young people is wrong, not supporting jehovers arrangement and not allowed to pioneer because the lameass elder who was the school overseer didn't record my time (which the C.O. chewed they're asses out on, LOL, and the elder who counselled me for not following "jehovers" arrangement squeesed my arm, pissed at me after the meeting, because they got in royal shit), wearing doc-martens at a meeting, hanging out with someone else that the "group" didn't like, helping out "weak" ones in the congregation (you know, bad assosiation),
I have never ever met so many haughty ignornat people in my life. /And they were happy that way, too.
I agree, mini...."The best worldly person is better than the worst witness..." what a crock. The best witnesses are really special, but not everything wrong with the witnesses can be traced to the governing body.
got my forty homey?
Yeah, they always state that "we save so much money because we dont celebrate christmas and birthdays" what a blessing!
I agree with both directions..
I have seen loving compassionate people in the WTS. I have also seen people who appeared to be so, only to really be judgemental, back biting, gossiping slanderers..
And those people think they are just loving.. caring people...
Yes, sassy, I have seen those people too. Very caring, very nice. Some people did incredibly nice things for me, and I have not forgotten that at all.
It's the other 99 out of 100 that are like that.
Jeez, I used to get so pissed off when people would have a "get together" and half the dammed congregation would talk about it, because they would wonder what the hell went on, LOL! The stories would fly....
When I studied in the borg, one nice couple said to me that you may only find one friend out of every congregation. How true; most people in the congregatoins were back-biting, uninteresting and completely unloving weirdo's.
I don't have to worry about that living and assosiating with "pagans" now. People do not judge one another, unless you're a pisstank or whatever. It's incredibly fun to have real friends; ones that don't look for faults such as watching "the simpsons", LOL!
well right now I am pretty pissed at some online JWs who think there is nothing wrong with them to come here and read this 'apostate' site ONLY looking for people to judge (and NOT reading content to be enlighttened) but then are gossiping to others about faders being here (like me) and trying to cause problems for them..
just last week I got a call because a judgemental JW called another friend of mine who that person knows was important to me to report me.. she was smart enough not to say how she knew things so she didn't site this site of call me apostate but she revealed information about me associating with simplesally (who that person knew was disfellowshipped) and that I had stopped my meeting attendence. The only place to know this is being here.. so they can judge me for what I say here and then pass on talk so others are talking about me.. but their guilt for 'disobedience' in reading apostate sites does not stop them from reading here or feelign guilty about it...
those types of JWs I have no good feelings for.. they should mind their own business!!
That is hardcore Jehovahs. Always peeking on the other side of the fence because they have nothing better to do, LOL! Just shows how they are social mis-fits; not minding they're own business. Oh, but wait... they're keeping the congregation clean, LOL!
didnt the apostle paul say somewhere that christians should mind theyre own business"? I know it's there somwhere's.
But if you do post your real name here and your real picture, get ready for the consequences; witnesses love to cause shit, because they're own lives are so boring. I was guilty of that too, when I was a brain-dead "christian" witness.