Mother reunited with 'dead' child

by Simon 12 Replies latest social current

  • Simon
  • Faust

    They've been talking about this story for over a week in the hispanic news channels. It's fascinating indeed.

  • LyinEyes

    Very interesting story,,,,,,, I guess that mother just had a gut feeling something was not right from the beginning,,,,( the open window at the time of the fire). It is amazing that she recognized the child as her daughter,not knowing what she looked like since she was only 10 days old,,,,,,,but I suppose the child also looked like her siblings also. A mother just knows these tiny little details about her child. Every mole, birthmark or dimple.

    I do wonder as the article said, how they will reintroduce her daughter back into her life with out so much emotional trauma.

    My heart broke for a child I saw on TV, forgot her name,,,,,,,when she was being raised by an adoptive family and the birth father who didnt know about her birth, two or 3 years later , claimed his right as father to raise her. I believe he won, and it showed pictures on tv of the child being taken from the only mother she knew , by the state workers,,,,,,,to go to her father. It was so sad,,,,,,,,I just don't know what the right thing to do would be. I can see both sides. But I dont think they handled it right, she was just 3 or 2 ,,,,,,,they could have introduced her to her father for several months so she didnt feel he was a stranger ,,,,,something better .

  • xjw_b12

    Truth is stranger than fiction.

    Reminds me of that story a few weeks ago, when a teenager found himself on a misssing child's list:

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I heard about this story as it was breaking and my immediate reaction is the effect it would have on the child to switch mothers at this age. The more I thought about it the less it made sense that there would be no human reamains found in the house fire. Sounds strange, but in cremation, intense heat ( more than is generated, I believe, from a house fire - wood burning is considered "medium temperature") is required to burn bones and teeth. I am sure the investigators looking at the house fire remains were competent and knew their stuff; it just sounded strange to me.

    Happy ending for the mother---always nice to hear!

  • freedom96

    Am I the only one here that thinks something is fishy???

    At first, this sounds like an awesome wonderful happy ending. But how on earth did the mother "recognize" her daughter?

    The last time she saw the baby was just a few days old, and then 6 years? Most kids look much, much different at 6 than they did at a couple of weeks.

    I wonder what really happened.

    If indeed this story is true, then I am very happy for the mother, and all those involved. That is a very happy ending.

  • Sentinel

    Oh my gosh. Don't they look so happy. I just can't believe what some humans are capable of.


  • flower

    Luckily shes only 6 years old. Young children are amazingly resiliant and handle trauma much better than most adults!

    It may be hard but shes with someone now who will love her more than anyone else ever could. Thats all kids need.

  • nilfun
    But how on earth did the mother "recognize" her daughter? The last time she saw the baby was just a few days old, and then 6 years?

    My guess is that Delimar (a.k.a. Aaliyah) probably looks amazingly like her siblings.

  • Sentinel

    If any of you ever saw the movie "Dragonfly", you will understand how a parent can be mystically" connected to their child....especially if their souls were connected as well.

    Every situation is different, but still quite feasible in this instance, where the mother is in the company of a child that would be the exact age of her own "dead" child, and "seeing" that familiarity. Of course, the DNA cleared it all up very quickly.

    Her child was not really dead and that is why she could never accept her death. She was always "looking for her". This is an awesome story with a very happy ending. Children are very versitile. If the exchange is made openly and honestly, I think the young girl will be okay with some continuing counseling. It is so obvious that her mother loves her very much!! Love cures many things.



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