Are you a highly sensitive soul???????? Good Article!

by Sunnygal41 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gespro


    I'm sure we can add variables to this article but this is pretty much a big part of me at various times in my life.


  • Sirona

    I think many of the things mentioned apply to me, except I am NOT introverted at all! I'm extroverted and do not shy away from strong stimuli. In certain group circumstances, I can feel overwhelmed by everyone else's emotions, etc. but that doesn't happen in all group situations _ I can more or less switch it off.


  • darkuncle29

    I used to not understand this aspect of myself. I used to fight it, tried to suppress it, and didn't know how to work with it. It is now something I am figureing out and accepting.

  • Maverick

    Sunnygal, why did this article appeal to you? Do you feel you have these traits? From our conversations I would say this fits you. Thought in all fairness I would have to spend time in your presents to factor the degree to which this applies. Can an artisit not be a highly sensitive being? A person touched by and therefore desiring to share the beauty, the pain, the stuff of life? But, by contrast, are there insensitive souls as well? The governing body of JW's comes to mind. Tell us your thoughts.

    Maverick, who does not think of myself as all that sensitive.

  • Sunnygal41

    I am soooo glad that I posted this article..............I had a hunch that I'd get quite a few of you'uns to chime in here!!! This article went straight to my heart! I've known for quite some time that I was a bit "different" from mom used to call me an "old soul" when I was a kid............I just was sooooo particular and serious about things................I've been told all my life, by my mom, who happens to be a "sensitive" herself, that I am much too about the pot calling the kettle black????????? LOL! Too close to home I guess, so she denies fact, my guess, Mav, would be that in some instances highly sensitive souls will go to extremes to deny their sensitivity in some cases and can be the worst offenders..........riding rough shod over others emotions and feelings..............thank God/dess I've been able to work thru that phase myself and now am learning to embrace this side of myself.................after I left the borg, I did alot of reading and research on religion and spirituality.............and thru this have found different ways of coping with my way is by clearing my energy field with smudging. For anyone who hasn't heard about this, indiginous tribes throughout the world use what they call "sacred" herbs to clear negative energy from themselves and others and as an opening part of a sacred ceremony. I use sage that I purchase online from a native american store. I just recently received an comes from out west.............I was shown how to use it by a friend who is a Pipe Carrier. She was trained by a Sioux Medicine Man. Everyone has their own way of doing it.........and for the most part there is no real wrong way, simply sweep the smoke from the sage with your feather fan or feather from the tip of your head to the ground..........what you want to do is brush all the negative ions down to the earth where it can be absorbed by the ground. It does work. I also do my apartment from time to time, if I get that feeling of "uptightness"..............recently I read that you can also break up stale energy, paying special attention to the corners of your rooms, by clapping your hands and sweeping the air towards the floor. Here's one link that you can check out:

    There are other ways of protecting yourself if you are extremely therapist told me to learn how to visualize a barrier around myself............still working on that one.

    Mav, I think you are sensitive, from what I've gleaned from our chats.........


  • Hapgood

    Thanks Sunnygal for sharing this article, it's defiantly a keeper. Wow, that article describes me 100%, I aways thought something was terribly wrong with me, I've always felt like the odd one out. I felt like this even when I was a small child. To make matters worse I'm very introverted. Like some of the others have already said, I too fight to suppress this, trying to appear normal (what ever that is). My Mom is the same way, I guess that I inherited this from her.


  • Billygoat

    You are deeply affected by all aspects of your life. As a Sensitive Soul, you have great emotional passion, intensity, and depth. You may have been told that your emotions are "too much." You are sensitive, caring, and easily affected by the energy and emotions of others. These qualities make it easy to lose touch with your needs and desires.

    Hello!!! This is me to a t! I've always struggled with not losing touch with my needs. When I feel emotions, it's 100%! When I'm mad, I'm REALLY mad. When I'm in love, I'm REALLY in love. When I'm depressed, I'm REALLY depressed.

    You have heightened perceptive skills. A Sensitive Soul is intuitive, highly aware, and keenly observant of the subtleties of your environment, including energy, light, noise, smell, texture, and temperature. You may also be empathic or even psychic. Your perceptive skills operate in the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual realms. You tie together things you see into complex and original concepts. This makes you a visionary.

    I have VERY highly tuned senses. Neil is constantly amazed at how I can see or smell things that he does not notice. (Although I believe he is also a highly sensitive soul - he is VERY sensitive to sound!) I notice the smallest degree of temperature change in a room. I am very aware of how others feel a LOT! If they're not well, I can tell. I don't know how. I just know. Bright lights, loud noises, strong smells are usually more of a nuisance than enjoyable. I can't say I'm psychic, although I always wished I could be.

    You have a lower tolerance for stimulation than others. Because you receive so much information from your surroundings, your threshold for what's "too much" is significantly lower than for those around you. This means: a) You may be seen as shy or timid; and b) You may feel uncomfortably dissimilar to others because you respond so differently to stimulation.

    I do find that when I am "on" for any length of time in a large crowd that I have a tendency to physically "shutdown" and even get migraines. Several weeks ago, I photographed a small wedding. There was a lot of stimuli and I was "on" the whole time for almost 4 hours. After it was done, I pretty much shut off in the car. A four hour nap at home didn't come close to resting me. I was exhausted for the next two days. Only thing, I am NOT introverted.

    You are highly conscientious and thorough in all your undertakings. A Sensitive Soul makes a great employee. You concentrate intensely and process multi-source information. However, you require privacy, uninterrupted time, and little or no pressure in order to do your best work.

    I work best in situations where there isn't a lot of pressure and I can take my time. I KNOW this is a reason why I'm not enjoying my job right now. EVERYTHING about this job and this company is about pressure and I have a million interruptions a day. I hate that.

    You have a strong relationship with aesthetics and art. As a Highly Sensitive Soul, you have a passion for beauty, art, and aesthetics. You may be highly artistic and creative yourself. You easily create beauty and comfort. Seeing things 'out of alignment' can actually be physically or psychically distressing.

    This is almost funny to me! I am neurotic about the pictures here in our office. They are always crooked! Haha! But I am also very creative. I love art, have always loved art of any type. Even though I don't like it all, I've always been able to sense what the artist was trying to communicate. I physically (on a different plane almost) feel connected to that person. Listening to the music Neil composes is very intimate to me. Very personal.

    Your inner life is just as intriguing and inspiring as your outer life. You likely have a rich, complex inner life and are highly imaginative. You may find it challenging to connect to 'real world' priorities and realities.

    I'm an idealist to the core. Real world stuff often bores or depresses me. I hate movies that are like real life. I prefer to escape into a scene with a strange story line or happy ending.

    You absolutely require private time alone in order to feel replenished. Up to 70% of Highly Sensitive Souls are introverted. But even extroverted sensitives need downtime to rejuvenate, often in a darkened, quiet room.

    Neil is the first to tell you that if I don't get my "Andi Time", I'm a bear to deal with!

    You have a strong spiritual connection and depth. If you are Highly Sensitive, you experience a profound spiritual connection with the divine and/or spiritual realm. You 'see' a lot in what appears common. Because of this you may feel impatient with the truly mundane.

    I've always been attracted to spiritual realms. I do believe there is a realm of Life that is not perceptive to our naked eyes, but it's there. I have often wondered if there are beings there and if they can sense us.

    Again, work is boring, confining, and I literally feel trapped. Bad thing about this, like a caged animal, when I feel trapped (threatened) I have a tendency to lash out and say/do things that are unhealthy for me.

  • LittleToe

    I've had to learn to "tune out" and protect myself, especially during this last year, which has been full of mayhem.
    I'm getting better at it, but there are still occasions when I find a swirl of "vibes" overwhelming.

  • Sunnygal41

    Little Toe, I can honestly say I know EXACTLY what you mean!


  • LittleToe
    Little Toe, I can honestly say I know EXACTLY what you mean!

    It makes Fests interesting, that's for sure.
    Last year's DallasFest was quite draining.

    The worst occasion was during a one-on-one conversation with someone who slurped up my energy.
    I had to make my excuses and go take a walk, to recover.
    It was a shame, because the subject matter was fascinating.

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