Are you a highly sensitive soul???????? Good Article!

by Sunnygal41 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • xenawarrior

    raises hand - Yup !!

    OMG, LT- I know what you mean. I love the fests too but I go into "overwhelm" mode with so many people. I'll sit down for about 15 minutes and then have to MOVE because there is too much going on around me. And I hope no one takes it personally when I have to do that.

  • WhyNow2000

    All of you are just whining...YOU ALL ARE TOOOO sensitive

    and PLEASE don't criticize this post.

  • Billygoat


    We KNOW that! Why do you think we're posting about it?!?! We're learning to live with it, so get over it.

    and PLEASE don't criticize this post. (j/k)

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    HEY! whynow200, your avatar is a painting I've got hanging in my house.. I love Gustav Klimt...

    I was just curious, and wonder if it's me being nutty again... but ahem.. er... can any of you see auras? <massive blush>


  • Billygoat
    I was just curious, and wonder if it's me being nutty again... but ahem.. er... can any of you see auras? <massive blush>

    I know this probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but only when I get migraines and that's only with some of them. My vision gets VERY weird. It's almost like I'm looking into a tunnel or a funhouse mirror, my balance is "off", and my hearing is VERY sensitive - like everything is EXTRA loud and echo-y.

    Why? Do you? Please share. I'm curious.

  • LittleToe

    Sometimes I can, but have to "turn it on", so to speak.

  • Gretchen956

    I am Gretchen956's younger brother.

    [email protected]

    This seems to be (@ least for my family) a weekness, another dont ask dont tell. It is so heart breaking for me to see my loved ones so blinded by the borg. My mother told me that the kind of things I would see through intuition were unnatraul. So, must be of a demonic nature. So like so many of us I learned how to supress that which was blessed upon me. It is good to see that I am not the only one!

  • marriedtodamob

    YEP-me 150%

    I have tried to explain to people that it is like walking around with a sattelite dish on your head because I pick up so much, and then being psychic, empathic, and all the rest...PHEW! Nice to know we are finally being affirmed for who we are, and not just told we are any number of "things". It is EXHAUSTING, and I have finally learned after all these years how to "switch some of it off" and put that "barrier" around myself when needed. Good article and GREAT thread...BTW, I am in the arts, highly creative and couldn't function very well without!

    mystic mobbie

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Im the same way, it may be silly but I have dreams that the next day a portion of the dream comes true. Also I get preminitions of things that are going to happen and they happen. I can't be around many people or crowds. Cant ride crowded elevators, at work I do not a lot of people around me in my office, I hate meaniglessness conversation that amount to nothing, just idle chatter kills me! I love hiking in the woods and trails and just taking in the mood of these tranquil places.I dont like loud noises but I do like playing loud rap music!

  • LittleToe

    I can follow your comments on premonitions and "idle chatter".

    These things used to be common in Scotland.

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