Should obesity be a DF offense?

by jws 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws
    It must be recognized, however, that determining when gluttony exists is not easy. Eating (in contrast with inhaling tobacco smoke) is natural and proper. - WT 05/01/1986

    I'm not too up on my ancient cooking methods, but was food fried in oil "natural and proper" back in Biblical times?

    And if you were cooking over an open flame (or merely warming yourself by one), wouldn't you inhale smoke? Seems a perfectly natural occurance, just like getting rained on.

  • ozziepost
    I have long argued this very point with many elders.

    Me too! In fact, as an elder, I mentioned it from the platform!! and made my view on this known at Bethel.

    It seems to me that although gluttony is listed in the elders' manual as one of the "gross sins" warranting disfellowshipping, it cannot be quantified, so action is never taken. How many people are ever DF for gluttony? Yet it's listed.

    Yet 'crimes' that are quantifiable, like who did what to who, are actioned by the elders.

    Who would decide what is gluttony? How much food intake constitutes gluttony?

    This area highlights again how ridiculous is the Borg's legalism.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • new light
    new light

    I've had the same thought, myself. Gluttony is clearly outlawed in the Bible (7 deadly sins). If you are obese, there is almost definitely some gluttony going on. So many DFing offenses are not backed up by the Bible, but this one is clearly mentioned, yet no one is ever before the elders for eating. Just another double standard for the pile.

  • HadEnuf

    Well...I suppose that everyone here that is so quick to pick on fat people (the last "acceptable" prejudice) are all Twiggies. I am always amazed at how some (not all, thank goodness) people who have never had a weight problem are so quick to point their skinny little fingers at people "of size". You cannot accuse anyone of gluttony if you don't actually live with that person and see how they eat.

    I personally have witnessed many THIN people who eat like pigs. At congregation picnics & such they would go back for plate after plate of food. Maybe they were just exceptionally hungry that day, or, maybe THEY were gluttons. So being "obese" doesn't necessarily make you a glutton. Also...would you DF someone who had an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia? They are also doing damage to their bodies.

    I personally find this subject offensive. Just say NO to Fat prejudice. If you don't know all the details about a person, which most people don't, then quit judging them.

    Yup...just sign me "Overweight" in Wisconsin. Cathy L.

  • Maverick

    I think Disfellowshipping should be a disfellowshipping offense! Maverick

  • orangefatcat

    I am an obese person, I have been for most of my life. No reason except for a predispostion to weight problems in our family. I come from a long line of obesity ancestors too. I am the first to admit I enjoy eating good food, but I do not over indulge. I am sometimes astounded by the amount of food a peron who is thin can put away. One time I saw this thin women at a Chinese buffet and her plate was full and I mean full like heaping real high. I watched her every now and then and she just picked and picked and had such as mess everywhere it was like disgusting. She looked like a pig in a sty. How sad.

    I take a plate of food with just a few items. I don't need creeps stairing at me because they would think I was a glutton. I can only ever eat anyway a small plate of food and have a small dessert if I still am hungry.

    I know that when people look at me I know what they are thinking and sometimes I would like to go over and tell them off, but its not their fault I guess, because they see so much obesity and they naturally think we are all a bunch of pigs. These people are very narrow minded so I just ignore the boobs, if they haven't got something better to do than to stare at an obese person then they are the one with the problem not me.

    I have been deeply deeply hurt by family over my weight and one day I told them all to leave me the hell alone. They are not me , they don't know me. and they don't look like me and I said to them just shove it cause I don't need you. I am a better person then they may think.

    And if a person doesn't want to be my friend because they think I am an embarrassment it is their loss. Because this orange fat cat has a lot of love to give. In fact I have many many good friends and they love me for who I am and not what I look like.

    And that is all that matters to me, I know I am not healthy as I am full of poly arthrititis and can't walk due to RA in my hip and you don't have to be obese to suffer these conditions as they hit young old, small big fat and short people.

    I have strong feelings on this issue, but I have learned to develop a hard shell when it comes to my weight.

    I feel the WTS need to step back and see what makes a person and not break a person,

    Love Orangefatcat

  • Valis
    btw, Valis, i know some Braeshaers (SP), they originate form the metroplex.

    Do you know Rick Brashear? The one who ran off w/Vincent Hernandez's young hooch/waitress at his retuarant/food supply of dubbies inservice 24/7, screw, for a daughter? *LOL* His son Steve was a good person, but terribly misguided and on the rod to ministerial ass kissery...

    And Sharon...poor soul...was having seveee mental probs and the blamed it on the fish/jesus symbol she had in the house. Dumbasses the lot of the elder posse.


    District Overbeer

  • onacruse

    I know a JW that wrote to the WTS about this...guess what the answer was?

    (Shut up, and mind your own biz)

  • SixofNine
    who just broke up w/this sister...his words were...."I think I will go home and eat a whole lasagna.." I have no clue as to why that has stuck w/me all these years,

    Uh, knowing you Valis, you probably had a serious case of the munchies and were hoping for an invite. I just recently spoke with Melody Brashear (sp?) at a party for my sister.

    Of course obesity shouldn't be a df'ing offense, but the hypocricy is monumental; the way JW's treat smoking vs the way they treat overeating or other weaknesses.

    An ex-elder could comment on this more directly, but I know one of the supposed guidances for elders when considering judicial action is whether the person is exhibiting "weakness, or wickedness".

    People who smoke have a weakness (as do people who can't regulate their calorie intake), that isn't even debatable. How disgusting and immoral that the WT sees fit to destroy their lives over their weakness. I believe it is HillaryStep who has a story of retrieving a recently df'd mans body out of the river; the man having ended it after being df'd because he was unable to quit smoking.

  • Dawn


    The way I see it - if people are judging you by what you look like on the outside then they're not worthy of knowing the person on the inside!

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