The Tale of the Five Army Officers

by waiting 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim


    Ultimately, philosophically, life without a God is a meaningless existence.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • patio34

    Hi JanH,

    You said

    Of course, those who find themselves being atheists, discover that such fears Yeru holds are groundless. We can create meaning for our lives
    I just wanted to add my "hear, hear" to this statement and verify that that has been my experience.

    Actually, my life has more meaning and grit to it because I decide what's important for me to pursue and don't rely on what other people tell me what I have to do. My standards are mine because i choose them, not because i'm pressured to. Of course, my culture has a lot to do with it, but it's a lot closer to using my life honestly.

    Another thing that is important is that this life means a lot!! Not when you're constantly told this life is not important and that it's the next life. When one comes to the belief (more accurately, imo, is the realization) that this life is the only thing anyone has, it's much more precious.


  • Yerusalyim

    If there is no God it doesn't MATTER what you pursue. NOTHING makes a difference, it's all VANITY!

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • JanH


    If there is no God it doesn't MATTER what you pursue. NOTHING makes a difference, it's all VANITY!

    Repeating an unfounded assertion when you are rebutted does not make the assertion more true than it originally was. Your statement is an emotional outburst, and has no bearing on reality. It is also extremely arrogant and demeaning, by insisting that everybody except those who think like you have a life devoid of meaning. One could just as easily argue that life as a puppet for some super-daddy is meaningless.

    Try to explain, using rational arguments, why a universe with a God is more meaningful than one without.

    Then, explain why the universe must necessarily be designed in such a way as to maximize "meaning" in human lives.

    If you have time to spare, try to answer my objection that your free will defense contradicts xtian soteriology.

    Good luck

    - Jan
    - "How do you write women so well?" - "I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability." (Jack Nicholson in "As Good as it Gets")

  • waiting

    Hey Jan,

    Thanks for the information about the writer of this work. I've always thought it was thought matter who wrote it.

    To say that life without God is a vanity - then that makes the love we have for our families, the good we do to others, of no value.

    This is what the WTBTS wants us to do......base our whole lives on the belief in God - the way THEY tell us to believe in God, thus, we base our whole lives on what they tell us to do.

    lol......just like my parents "Do as I say, not as I do." I'll just stick to being an agnostic and continue to read and think.

    She believed in nothing; only her scepticism kept her from being an atheist. Jean-Paul Sartre

    Rather a cool thought behind that for xjw's.


  • Yerusalyim

    I'm saying for me personally and from any philosophical point of view I lend any credence to, exitence without God is meaningless and futile, and all we do is vanity.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • JanH


    I accept your surrender on those terms.

    - Jan
    - "How do you write women so well?" - "I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability." (Jack Nicholson in "As Good as it Gets")

  • Yerusalyim

    Surrender? I've not yet begun to fight!

    NA NA DA BOO BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • JT

    Whose free will? That of the Rapist. If HIS free will were compromised, then the free will of ALL must also be compromised

    the above comment shows the type of mental exercise that a believer must demostrate to keep his or her belief system afloat

    it almost reminds me of talking to a jw who has proclaimed that alternatvie service is wrong and since he has not read his latest mag he doesn't know that the wt has changed the dogma on Alternative service.

    let's take this view above to it's logical conclusion;

    why would the law step in and act if a person committed a crime- they were merely using their free will

    it is so unfair to punish a person for using their free will.
    cause according to the poster to impend this free will destroys the free will of all of us.

    this is the same arguement that some make when a person who may have committted a crime is guilty ,but due to a techincality he must be let go

    and the answer to the 5 families whose daughters were raped and killed was,

    we have to let him go for to hold him would violate all of our rights to a correctly help trial,

    we know that he did it, but since this rule was not followed in his case we got to let him go

    now don't you feel better knowing that your loss of a daughters serve a much greater good for all of us.

    yea right

  • JT

    Ultimately, philosophically, life without a God is a meaningless existence.


    the above is truly a powerful statement for it goes to the heart and soul of belief systems


    and that is what we see, folks just making up stuff so that they can Proclaim "I beleive"

    from the backwoods of Africa to the hills of Tenn. to the trendy streets of Paris, folks have concieved all kinds of beliefs systems so that they can believe in a god-

    don't much matter which one or how , just as long as you believe in a god

    and it is that mindset that we see thruout the earth.

    instead of dealing with reality most folks perfer to make something up just to say i have something to hold onto and thru out history we have seen in villages and hamlet thru the earth this same drama play out-

    just as deeply as a christian believes in his god so does a muslium

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