The Tale of the Five Army Officers

by waiting 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Fiesty today, ain't ya, James?

    I'm saying for me personally and from any philosophical point of view I lend any credence to, exitence without God is meaningless and futile, and all we do is vanity - yeru
    I can accept Yeru's beliefs - it impedes upon me in no way, at least at present. Going back to the principle of Live and Let Live.

    I've read others here, even Psych. Jung (who've I not read a lot of) accepted the viewpoint of persons like Yeru. Some people do better having a belief system. Some people do better being married with kids - does that make them less truthful in heart than single persons who are totally self-sufficient?

    I think Live and Let Live is a marvelous outlook, if it can be achieved. In the above Tale, obviously the rapist didn't have that outlook - because he imposed his actions upon the woman he raped and killed. He used his free will, but took hers.

    In all the cases of the officers - they just stood back and did nothing, for a variety of reasons, thus, exercising their free will. But ultimately, did nothing. Now, if that portrays God, why does He discriminate when He does miracles? Only for his name (as jw's teach)? How selfish that seems.

    Interestingly, my Psych prof. said he believed in God. When one student challenged him - he shrugged and said he could fit it into his schema and was more comfortable with than without the belief - and that it was a personal belief system - thus, he didn't feel he had to justify it.

    Sure glad to have you back around.

  • Yerusalyim


    I believe in God not because of the darkness the option of Atheism presents, but because of how God has acted in my life. Both HOW God has acted in my life, and my feelings that Life without God is meaningless are Subjective. The feeling that Life is meaningless without God isn't the reason for my faith, but is brought about because of the FULLNESS of my life with God. After seeing the light I know how dark the darkness really was.

    Both opinions, mine and yours, are subjective.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • waiting
    Both HOW God has acted in my life,

    Specifically, HOW has God acted in your life.....with proof?

    And can it be proven that no other thing, including your own intelligence or just dumb luck could have done the same/similiar thing?

    The feeling that Life is meaningless without God isn't the reason for my faith, but is brought about because of the FULLNESS of my life with God.
    Those are feelings - not proof. You can also have a FULLNESS of life being in love with life, in love with your mate, having great emotional rewards for the type of work you - Mother Teresa style.

    But none of these are proof of God. Just a proof of your own feelings - which can't be discounted.


  • Yerusalyim

    If you would have asked Mother Teresa she would have probably told you her joy came from serving God, that she was able to do what she did because she saw Christ in each and every one of the dying people she held. She admitted the death and stench frightened her.

    You ask how God has acted in my life then add with proof, PROOF can not be given for subjective things of this nature. One can neither prove nor DISPORVE God's existence.

    Some of these ways though were being Slain in the Spirit at a Catholic Charismatic prayer meeting, my deliverance from Alcoholism and drugs, an experience of the presence of God that I couldn't even begin to describe here, these are all proofs to me as a believer and easily dismissed by non believers.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • funkyderek


    What meaning does life have with a god that it cannot have without a god? If it's just to serve god, then why does slavery give meaning to life that freedom doesn't give? Or is there some other meaning?

    Bad times, hard times - this is what people keep saying; but let us live well, and times shall be good. We are the times: Such as we are, such are the times. - St. Augustine, 354-430

  • waiting

    Hi Yeru,

    If you would have asked Mother Teresa she would have probably told you her joy came from serving God, that she was able to do what she did because she saw Christ in each and every one of the dying people she held. She admitted the death and stench frightened her.
    Mother Teresa could attribute her being a hero to whatever she wanted. She could contribute it to the great love for her fellow man, a joy of feeling needed - and being able to provide for those in need. Joy and fright are, btw, emotions. Not proof of God's help or existence. Regardless of her source, she was a great woman.

    Some of these ways though were being Slain in the Spirit at a Catholic Charismatic prayer meeting, my deliverance from Alcoholism and drugs, an experience of the presence of God that I couldn't even begin to describe here, these are all proofs to me as a believer and easily dismissed by non believers.
    You've done so well with yourself and your family, Yeru. After meeting you, I would be the first to admit it - a very likeable guy. You can attribute your personal successes to God, to your wife's help, to personal endurance and growth......or a combination thereof.

    Sometimes personal inner strength can look mightily like the hand of God. Sometimes it can look a lot like a strong individual. But it's not proof of God - or any of his qualities.

    these are all proofs to me as a believer and easily dismissed by non believers.
    Perhaps we can just agree to disagree? Live and Let Live?


  • Yerusalyim


    I think that's what I've been saying, that unless either one of us or ANY ONE of us on this board is predisposed to changing a point of view, we have to agree to disagree, wouldn't you agree?

    Mother Teresa could attribute her being a hero to whatever she wanted. She could contribute it to the great love for her fellow man, a joy of feeling needed - and being able to provide for those in need. Joy and fright are, btw, emotions. Not proof of God's help or existence. Regardless of her source, she was a great woman.
    Still, if you had asked her where she found the strength to be a hero, she would point to Jesus.


    Am I a slave to God? If I am then this is a self imposed slavery. I'm in love with God, and though I do a poor job of showing that, it is the guiding force in my life.

  • funkyderek
    Am I a slave to God? If I am then this is a self imposed slavery. I'm in love with God, and though I do a poor job of showing that, it is the guiding force in my life.

    But how does that give your life meaning, any more than (for example) following a local sports team?

    Bad times, hard times - this is what people keep saying; but let us live well, and times shall be good. We are the times: Such as we are, such are the times. - St. Augustine, 354-430

  • funkyderek
    Mother Teresa could attribute her being a hero to whatever she wanted. She could contribute it to the great love for her fellow man, a joy of feeling needed - and being able to provide for those in need. Joy and fright are, btw, emotions. Not proof of God's help or existence. Regardless of her source, she was a great woman.

    Was she???

    Bad times, hard times - this is what people keep saying; but let us live well, and times shall be good. We are the times: Such as we are, such are the times. - St. Augustine, 354-430

  • Yerusalyim


    A sports team did NOT create the Universe, give me life, or Save me, if it did, I might feel the same way about a Sports team as I do God.

    As far as the rather opinionated articles you post links to, when you're holding the dregs of society in your arms trying to give them a respectable death come see me.

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