Fiesty today, ain't ya, James?
I'm saying for me personally and from any philosophical point of view I lend any credence to, exitence without God is meaningless and futile, and all we do is vanity - yeruI can accept Yeru's beliefs - it impedes upon me in no way, at least at present. Going back to the principle of Live and Let Live.
I've read others here, even Psych. Jung (who've I not read a lot of) accepted the viewpoint of persons like Yeru. Some people do better having a belief system. Some people do better being married with kids - does that make them less truthful in heart than single persons who are totally self-sufficient?
I think Live and Let Live is a marvelous outlook, if it can be achieved. In the above Tale, obviously the rapist didn't have that outlook - because he imposed his actions upon the woman he raped and killed. He used his free will, but took hers.
In all the cases of the officers - they just stood back and did nothing, for a variety of reasons, thus, exercising their free will. But ultimately, did nothing. Now, if that portrays God, why does He discriminate when He does miracles? Only for his name (as jw's teach)? How selfish that seems.
Interestingly, my Psych prof. said he believed in God. When one student challenged him - he shrugged and said he could fit it into his schema and was more comfortable with than without the belief - and that it was a personal belief system - thus, he didn't feel he had to justify it.
Sure glad to have you back around.