I am SO in love...!

by imallgrowedup 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • imallgrowedup

    Yes, xjw, it is nice to know that they don't always dump on you!!! (They can be so fickle at that age, can't they?!)

    Princess -

    I love you so, so, so, so, so much".

    LOL! My (now 13-year-old) niece once said to me when she was about the same age, "I love you very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very much!" For the longest time afterward, any time I was feeling silly, I would use her words back at her. "You are very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very cute!" We always loved that game! (I'm lucky if I get a grunt out of her, now!)


  • gespro

    The babies are perfect! It seems to me they could retain that beautiful spirit if there wasn't so much crap to deal with from school, TV, their parents bagagge, etc.

    I have the privilege to raise my youngest daughter who is 6yrs ojd and her love and thoughtfulness never ceases to amaze and uplift her mother and I. I detect the negative stuff a little bit the older she gets and I can see how she could become a brooding teenager if I (we) don't watch myself...

    A couple of weeks ago we fell into conflict and I started raising my voice because she wasn't paying attention. She stopped and said "Dada, I told you before that if I'm not listening, just take me upstairs to my room and hold me!" Her mother and I could barely respond with, "OH! Okay..." in amazement. She comes out with some great stuff sometimes. I think I better listen better because in my observations, she knows better than I do what she needs and consistently says and does things like this.

    I guess, really I'm here to make sure she doesn't get hurt in her learning process instead of being a tyrant/dictator/authouritarian...


  • bikerchic

    I still hear my Grandaughter little 3 year old voice telling me, "Memaw you cwrack me up!"

    Yeah I've got lots of cute stories from all my kiddos through the years, for some reason that is the one that sprung to my mind. Old phart syndrome stricks again!

  • imallgrowedup

    Ges -

    It seems to me they could retain that beautiful spirit if there wasn't so much crap to deal with from school, TV, their parents bagagge, etc.

    Yes! If they could keep their innocence for life, that would be so nice! But you are right -

    I guess, really I'm here to make sure she doesn't get hurt in her learning process instead of being a tyrant/dictator/authouritarian...

    Very true! Children do respond to kindness - I believe that if we go overboard with them, that eventually they shy away - they need us to love them unconditionally and keep them from harm's way!

    Bikerchick -

    "Memaw you cwrack me up!"

    I have the hardest time imagining you as a grandma! You have such a young spirit!


  • seeitallclearlynow

    When my son was 5, he was still really in his shell. His Dad and I took him to the park after buying him some softball gear, and we were trying to help him learn to swing at the ball and hit it. He wasn't hitting it too much, and I just adore him so much, so I was worried that he would get too discouraged or even upset. Somehow he sensed my anguish for his comfort, and said quietly, "It's okay, Mom."

    He was comforting me! What a wise little son.

  • RubyTuesday

    Once my 4 year old neice said to me "I wish YOU were my mommy" That made me feel so good.If I knew then what I know now.....I would have taken her away and raised her myself.

    Just love hearing all your stories....this is a feel good thread!

  • Sentinel

    I will always remember my small boy hugging me and telling me that when he grew up he was going to marry me, cause I was so pretty and so nice. I told him that was so sweet, but that when he grew up, I would be so much older and he would have a girlfriend. ( No use trying to explain about other stuff.) He was only four.


  • fader

    Every day before I leave for work my five year old son says: "I love you five hundred and eight five million two hundred thousand six hundred million five hundred seven hundred thousand million and five (the number changes daily, he doesn't quite get the concept, he just knows it's a lot) and the whole wide world!" to which I reply with something similar, I'll make up a number. I love it, even though it's a bit silly. My 19-month old daughter doesn't speak too much, but she will spontaneously climb on my lap or come over and kiss me wherever she feels like. Sometimes she'll grab both my cheeks and force me to face her so she can kiss me on the lips. I love it. She's a real sweetie, she normally wakes her brother up every morning by climbing into bed with him and kissing him until he wakes up. I need to get that no video.

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