Yes or No----Do You Believe That JWs Are A Cult?

by minimus 149 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    ... and the debate rages on

    After being busy all day, I check back on this thread *phew* good debate!

    First of all, I agree with Hyghlandyr that as a general definition religion = cult

    The context of the word cult in this discussion is a bit different. Several definitions have been given, and analyzed quite well. At this point, the debate seems to be centering around some of the finer points of said definitions.

    These are my arguments for debating, not slamming any peeps. If I am challenging your opinion, it is for purposes of enlightenment. I certainly have learned a thing or two by reading the thread thus far.

    I would like to address

    'coercion' and comparison to the 'moonies' as stated in this paragraph:

    one poster said:

    And I'm defining cult in the sense of being like Hari Karishnas, Moonies, or commune-type organizations. JWs are

    free to leave at any time and aren't coerced to join or stay.


    \Co*er"cion\, n. [L. coercio, fr. coercere. See Coerce .] 1. The act or process of coercing.

    2. (Law) The application to another of either physical or moral force. When the force is physical, and cannot be resisted, then the act produced by it is a nullity, so far as concerns the party coerced. When the force is moral, then the act, though voidable, is imputable to the party doing it, unless he be so paralyzed by terror as to act convulsively. At the same time coercion is not negatived by the fact of submission under force. ``Coactus volui'' (I consented under compulsion) is the condition of mind which, when there is volition forced by coercion, annuls the result of such coercion. --Wharton.

    Source : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


    So, the legal definition includes moral force as coercion.

    Having been raised in this cult, I can tell you that the coercion begins at a very early age. The child is completely isolated from the world until the age when it is deemed appropriate for the child to join in field ministry.

    For me this was age 4. Yes, I was reading and writing and preaching door-to-door at AGE 4. I didn?t start school for 2 years after this, at age 6. Don't tell me this doesn't happen cause it was my life.

    School was a necessary evil perpetrated by Satan. There was no choice ? the law said I had to be in school till I was a certain age. At age 14, I was taken out of school so that I could pursue the Ministry. Mind you, by age 14, I was already half-way through high school.

    The school said I was gifted, both intellectually and musically. But no education was allowed, I had to preach the word. No piano playing allowed, I had to preach the word.

    The elders in the congo even tried to get my jr. high school to change their curriculum because they felt the books that were required reading for English, notably "The Other" by Michael Korda, and "A Clockwork Orange" were SATANIC. (both important works of fiction)

    When I stopped believing, it came with a bang. I lost my faith. Then I went into a still unexplained 3-month long semi-coma. My mind was broken, it just shut down. I was a vegetable, lying in a bed slipping in and out of consciousness and being kept alive by mom, who spooned enough liquids into me to keep me alive.

    Well, I guess any LURKERS can figure me out now. Oh well, then BITE ME

    After that, I completely rejected the teachings of JW. I no longer believed in the doctrines, in prayer, or G*d himself. My logic took over, and I never looked back.

    Now here?s the scary part. Over 20 years later, I was in the emergency room bleeding to death, and could not sign the consent form to have a blood transfusion. I was frozen in terror ? my hand would not sign the form. So I gave over power of attorney to my domestic partner, cause he would sign it for me (just a RC boyo). If that?s not moral coercion through mind control, then what is?

    As for the Moonies. Well, you meet them. They love bomb you. Invite you to the compound. Once there, you undergo intense programming. When they feel you have had enough indoctrination (ie, they are now in control of your mind), they will send you out to gather funds, make converts. These people are not being kept physically captive ? they can walk away anytime they want, just like the JWs. Once again, moral coercion.

    So, sistahs and brudders, that?s my ?talk?

    A brief story. About 10 years ago, someone told me they thought JW was a cult. I thought that was going a bit far, you know, extremist, alarmist thinking. So I went to the local library, pulled every Cult Reference Book from the stacks, and started reading.

    There they were, in every book, JWs ? right next to the Moonies (Unification Church), Jonestown, Koresh, to name a few. I was shocked, to say the least. But I read every one, and finally came to my own conclusion - JW is a CULT and an extremely dangerous one at that.

    We can debate this till the cows home, but I urge those of you who are truly interested in the question to do your own research from reliable sources that have no stake in the argument, with an open mind. You may find it very enlightening. Then again, you may dismiss it as claptrap.

    One note of caution: I stayed away from research coming from religious centres and focussed on books written by clinicians, academics and those recognized by the psychiatric community as experts. This was to ensure that I was not reading material that was religiously biased..

    my two ... just food for thought


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Oh, talesin - super presentation! There is nothing like a personal experience. ( And I'm very sorry for yours, but I see that you're well now, so for that, I'm very glad.)

    Thanks for bringing it "home." I'm sure it'll help others.

  • minimus

    Talesin, that was very enlightening. Perhaps, I feel that there ARE some groups that are MORE cultish than another. I feel this way with the Moonies, for example. When I compare JWs and Moonies, I think along the lines that the Moonies and David Koresh were DEFINITELY cultish (cults). They are such extreme examples, that they're easy to see. JWs on the other hand put a little mix in their approach. And just for the record, I told someone this week, "Well, maybe I'm like this because I was born into a cult". I am trying to mentally and emotionally deal with this concept. I have appreciated the comments from the vast majority on this board in dealing out facts, reasoning and help in this area. Not long after I joined this board, I put out a thread called CULTS CULTS CULTS. I was annoyed at that time to see the "cult' word used over and over again toward JWs. And I felt that IN COMPARISON to "real cults", JWs are more of a "mind-control group". If I wanted to stay in that mindset, I could easily believe the same thing right now. However, I do think that JWs are a cult as I do think that other non-religious things are cult(ish) too......So for those that have asked me what I thought, my answer is this. 2 years ago, I believed JWs were not really a cult; they were just an overly strict religion that "bordered" on being a cult. After reading all the comments on the board, I believe they are a cult. And I'd like to say thanks to all those that have showed kindness in their presentation to help me see this issue more clearly.

  • garybuss

    In the abstract, for me a cult is a group that uses high control tactics on it's members to enforce it's rules for behavior, uses dishonest recruiting practices, undue influence, has a loaded language, isolates members, and isolates dissenters.

    The Witnesses at the meetings I attended, hammered it into me that if I ever quit working for the publishing company, they would murder me if it were legal. That they would ONLY not murder me because it was against the law. Farkel is not making this up and neither am I. It was a big issue for me and only much younger Witnesses may have been spared hearing that over and over.
    The Witnesses I know and my parents wished it were legal to murder walkaways like me. Here the literature was the nail and the meetings were the hammer. The hammer didn't always hit the nail either.

    Farkel is actually minimizing. GaryB

  • caspian

    Simple answer from me is Yes

  • minimus

    Garybuss, you should have had them charged with attempted murder or something. You say that they wanted to murder you and others if they could. Those California congregations must be made up of real crazy people, huh? Well, I'm glad they never succeeded in murdering you or Farkel.

  • talesin


    I felt the same as you.

    What? A cult? I didn't grow up in a cult.

    Those are the shaved-head, robed people; you know, the Moonies, the Children of God, Jonestown. We were NOTHING like that. That's why I had to go do my own research.

    It was a bitter pill for me to swallow, but once I got it down, I felt much better about MYSELF. I was kinder to myself in my healing process, because realizing I came from an identifiable cult helped me understand that THEY messed me up and it wasn't MY fault.

    Yes, people dressed in suits carrying bookbags are not the *picture* of cultists ... as I'm typing, do you know what that reminded me of?

    When you tell your kids 'Beware of Strangers' ... remember how we used to call it "Stranger Danger", now we know that molesters are most likely the 'boy next door', the 'church elder' or the 'hockey coach'.

    Similar references - the slyest abusers hide behind a cloak of normalcy, cults as well as child molesters.


  • minimus

    Thanks Tal for your input!

  • Joker10


  • caligirl

    I absolutely believe that it is a cult, based on my own personal reseach and experience.

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