by minimus 149 Replies latest jw friends
Farkel, thanks for your answer. It was good.
Thought I already replied to this, but I guess I didn't, so here goes:
JWs = Cult
JWs are a cult. Absolutely. By any definition I have ever seen. If you check the web, you'll find many lists of cult behaviors- and the JWs match all or the vast majority of each list.
Love_Truth- believes all religions are cults, some more than others.
BTW Simon, have you ever considered adding a poll function?
I think this is a no-brainer. Anybody who's been on the inside can tell you it's a cult -- just look at the problems they try to cause people who leave and that's just one of a myriad of other reasons.
If the watchtower is not a cult - what is?! Could any watchtower apologist give us a definition of a cult without it sounding like a reference to the Watchtower Society?
Well, they don't run around in long robes beating on tamborines and chanting mantras or things of that sort, but they do separate people from society in general and from their "worldly" family and friends. By the latter I would say: YES, THEY ARE A CULT.
I would say the JWs are a high control group. Cult is thrown around far too much and has lost its meaning to most people. Barry
Cult is thrown around far too much and has lost its meaning to most people
what is its meaning to you Barry?