Yes, without a doubt.
Yes or No----Do You Believe That JWs Are A Cult?
by minimus 149 Replies latest jw friends
After reading more comments I am going to put yet another dictionary definition of cult:
1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents
4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults>
5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion -
Dontcha just love Its fantabulous. And you demonstrate exactly what I said. Cult is religion. Which is of course the original meaning of the word. Usage naturally changes the meaning of a word, or rather expands it. So the word cult has moved from being inocuous to sinister. Whatever definitions one chooses to apply to the group though, there is little doubt that a great many people suffer at the hands of it. Even JWs themselves are uncomfortable with the topic of shunning, seeking to avoid discussions about their practice of it much of the time when they are broached by non-witnesses. This alone is an admission that shunning hurts. And it is that hurt that is used to bring people back to the congregation. Except of course that the vast majority who are shunned do not return.
Cult = Religion. Something folks need to wake up to when religions teach such immoral doctrines as the requirement to marry before having sex.
nuff said
Yes I do
and it hurts to think I belonged to it for so so many years
I was misled.
Yes, but not to the same degree as cults such as David Koresh's cult in Waco or the "Heaven's Gate" cult.
:I believe they are "cultlike" but I don't think they are a "cult"........And you? Is that like being "sorta" pregnant? If the term "cult" was defined, we could proceed. Since the term means different things to different people, answers will be all over the board. To me, whether the term "cult" is defined in a pejorative or clinical way, dubs are not only a cult, but among the most dangerous of them. Finally, no cult would ever admit to being a cult and cults which are the most vigorous in denying they are cults are almost always the worst of cults. "Eurasia has ALWAYS been at war with Oceana." "By golly, if the Society told me this green book was black, then I'd believe it was black!" The first statement was from George Orwell's "1984." The second was from a speaker at a dub assembly. What's the difference? I don't see any. Farkel
When in, we definitely did not regard ourselves as being in a cult. Now, I personally am not sure.
I was speaking to my son who left the truth a while back and now lives with his girl friend who is study psychology at college. She has never been 'in' so has a totally different perspective on the witnesses. Her conclusion is that the Witnesses are cult like.
"By golly, if the Society told me this green book was black, then I'd believe it was black!"
How often I have heard that sort of statement, and it used to make me cringe, even when I was in! I cannot stand dogma. IMHO, religion should be about expressing doubts regarding the unknow as well as a search for spirituality certainty. That is why, many of here gave up in the end - guess weren't the cultish type.