Have you ever thought that "Jehovahs Witnesses" is a difficult name to pronounce for a religion? If I had a dollar for every time in my life someone said, "Oh, you're a Jehovah, aren't you?" Yes. That's right. I'm a Jehovah. Not THE Jehovah, but A Jehovah. Damn. "Jehovah's Witness." It just doesn't flow well, does it? Joe Rutherford was a good salesman, but a nifty namer of sects he was not. B.
"He's a Jehovah"
by logansrun 22 Replies latest jw friends
Phantom Stranger
"Bible students" sound awfully generic
Thats the way my mom would say it.
Well, perhaps "Charlie Russel's Flying Bible Students" would have been better.
That's why I would say I'm a Christian.
ROTFLMFAO, good one Logan, it may have caught on had he thrown in a dead parrot!!!
cults always have difficult names. Everyone who isnt part of the group tries to shorten the name down:
Jehovah's Witnesses definately need an easier name to call them, but its not so bad, when you realize other cults have same problem:
Internatinal Society for Krishna Consciuosness: The Hare Krishnas
Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of Christian Spirit: The Moonies
Students of the Seven Seals: Branch Davidians
Church of Scientology: Idiots
Order of the Solar Temple : Dead Idiots
The People's Temple: Very Dead Idiots
Gita: You forgot the tiring, "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" Whew! That's a mouthful!!
I never understood that one. It seems to imply there may be more then one Jesus Christ.. If there is a Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, there may be a Jesus Christ of Home Depot, Jesus Christ of the Rest Stop on Exit 112, and so forth.
It could be worse. Rutherford could have decided on Yahweh's Yackers.