How sweet! My plan is to get a puppy and kitten, too. They can grow up together. (your kitty looks like gadget's)
no pic
Country Girl
Watch out!! His feathers look ruffled!
by talesin 34 Replies latest jw friends
How sweet! My plan is to get a puppy and kitten, too. They can grow up together. (your kitty looks like gadget's)
no pic
Country Girl
Watch out!! His feathers look ruffled!
Those poor kitties put in a JAR!
You got a kitten !??! So cute, though the picture's dark, I can see the little white mouth, what a doll.
I just looked at that site, I feel sick, really.
Are the bird and cat friends? My aunt had a Siamese & a parakeet - we have pictures of them snuggling! Birds are possessive I find, they just love attention!!! I love when they sit on my shoulder, then walk around to the front and start giving little "love" pecks.
ps. didja read what ChimChim said about her little sister? "She rocks my world" ... sweet
my doggy...
What a cutie. A spaniel? They're fur's so silky. I only 'knew' one spaniel well. She was a springer, a large dog, but oh-so good natured and loving.