that you are reading a lot more since exiting the Borg?
I've had as many as five books on the go all at once - all of a spiritual nature. I'm currently reading The Wheel of Life and Death by Philip Kapleau.
Claire takes a book to bed with her every night (something I can't do - I just can't read in bed).
Some of you might like fiction or biographies, etc., but I love to read anything on Buddhism (although one of my books is by a Christian cleric). I guess that, in a way, I'm trying to find the meaning of life; why we're here; what it's all about, etc. The good thing is, I don't feel compelled to do it. I read because I genuinely want to and I really enjoy it (something I used to find immensely difficult).
There's so much junk on television. Gardening also takes up more of my time - but I don't believe one can beat a really good read. It stirs the soul.
Just thought I'd ask and share.