The first church I attended was the mormons around christmas 2002. I was so nervous my legs were shaking. I felt i was comming a gross sin I thought someone would notice, but everyone was nice and friendly. The reason i was checking out the mormon church was because a couple years prior, I was going through depression I had to take medication for, plus it was the first anniversary of my dad's passing....I was 'labled' unspiritual by my best friend's father (an elder) and I lost my friendship, which hurt really bad, but at work was a former missionary that was a member of the mormon church took interest and really showed what a true christian is. And I was taught that you will know the disciples by the love they have among each other, and at one of the lowest points in my life, i didn't receive that love from the organization that at the time was my life, but I did receive it from a total stranger. So I wanted to look into the mormon church, with my jw line of reasoning that there's one 'true organization' and studied up on the beleifs, as well as other religions. After reading the bible comparing several different versions and studying english/hebrew and english/greek bibles, it isnt religion thats going to judge us if we get eternal life or not. Jw's say that babylon the great sits on many waters (representing people) riding the back of the wild beast (kings of the earth). From my research and studies, from jw's intrepretation of this scripture, they might as well include themselves in on it because they have alot of members, in many lands, and they certain ride the back of the wild beast.
Anyawy, when I expressed to the missionaries that I wasnt interested in becoming a member, I was just checking out the church, they never bothered me since. Since then I have also attended the baptist church. These seem like ordinarly average people, most of them seem to do what is right by what they think in their hearts and minds. During services in both churches I couldn't help but look around and see the people, knowing some of them are as dogmatic about their religion being the only true religion as a typical jw, and with my jw raising (23 years total with almost 4 years out, so in a sence, I still have a foot in) thinking that these people are not 'bad' and 'evil' as I was led to beleive that members of 'babylon the great' (non jw) are. As far as being bothered by jw's to come back to the faith, I never had to worry. I moved away from my home town two years after I became inactive, the hometown I lived in all my life (total of 25 years) and not one single person has contacted me. Oh, they tell my mom, who is still active, how they miss me, blah blah blah. Even my mom made arrangements with the local kh where i live now to come by to visit, but they didn't keep their arrangement. I was wanting to keep up to date with the current magazines (esp the wt) to see what changes, however since they dont do subscriptions anymore, cannot trust a jw to bring every issue. guess ill have to wait for the bound volumes to come out.
Anyway! This is my first post. There's so much to read and I enjoy everyone's experiences and comments.
J.R. - Dallas, TX