Love or Hate Field Service

by XBEHERE 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • worldlygirl

    I've never been a JW, so I've never been in field service. But, I was wondering, for those of you who hated going..... Did you ever have anyone show interest in your message and think to yourself, "Oh my God what am I getting these people into???!!!" Just curious.

  • cyber-sista

    oops wrong place

  • cyber-sista

    Hey worldlygirl...

    That is why some of us were never that good at converting people. I think deep down we knew something was amiss so we were a whole lot less zealous at the door than others. I personally never insisted or cohersed anyone into a study--if they weren't interested i never pushed it, thus in all my 20 years I never had a successful bible study or one who became a JW because of me. Some though were quite pushy (AKA zealous) and had more success. You had to be really persistent to get anyone to join the cult--it was hard for most to swallow....

  • xjw_b12

    I used to pray every Friday evening, for Jehovah to bless my efforts on Saturday morning rain.

  • Insomniac

    Worldlygirl-Yeah, I once studied with a young lady of about 12, whose mother was a witness. I always tried, in a subtle way, to get her to think and reason for herself. She was very interested in marriage and children, and I used to look at this sweet, bright girl, and picture her ten years down the road with no education, no job, and no options besides dub-husband and kids, and it bothered me a lot. I feel very guilty, in retrospect, that I did not do more to help her, but I was in it pretty deep myself at the time. I don't know what her situation is now, but I sure hope she's ok.

  • freedom96

    Without question I hated going out in service.

  • Maverick

    I was OK with it until I became a manager in my secular job and saw how inefficient it was. They were pushing paper and wasting a lot of time with very small returns. I remember thinking of the number of duds and the number of mags printed and the number of mag sitting on my shelf, and everyone elses shelves that I knew, and thinking who is reading this stuff? It was busy work! Keep them busy and the presses rolling. Jesus who? Maverick

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    To be a good witness you have to do it. I hated as a teen cause I usually always knocked on a schoolmates door and then heard about it on Mondays. When I became i pioneer however I did not hate it as much and started enjoying it. But then after serving in Bethel for several months I hated it again and I tried to avoid going, but of course my Father the Furher insisted even as bethelite I should do 10 hours a month. After bethel I did not want to knock on any more doors, that was it for me. Since it took me a couple of months to find an apartment I had to pioneer to stay at my Fathers home but I didn't do any time. I just lied the time out since I knew I wasn't going to be remaining in the society much longer.

  • codeblue

    Sometimes I loved it, sometimes I hated it.

    I did enjoy having Bible Studies....


  • talesin

    I hated it, all that rejection, ruining people's weekends.

    Then, after a 'householder' sicced his dogs on me one day, I not only hated it, but was afraid the whole time. Of course, then I became a pine-ear. No wonder it was so hard for me to 'get my hours'. *lol*

    I do remember something really nice, though,

    During the summers spent w/ my grandparents in the country, we would make a day of it. Take a lunch, spent the day driving about 50 miles or so, doing 'return visits'. At lunchtime, we would stop in a beautiful place, eat, spend an hour fishing. Those were fun days.


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