Love or Hate Field Service

by XBEHERE 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I agree with CB, I enjoyed bible studies, especially when they had thoughtful questions that required Bible research. I used to ask people point blank if they wanted to study the Bible, cold from the get go. I figured out that I got 1 yes, for every 20 nos. When you have a lot of bible studies, there is no time to go door to door. Meet with the group and then say, "I have a couple of studies," and off you go leaving the rest to slog along in the territory.


  • Dansk
    JWs kids and most of their parents, are the only people in the world who hate weekends.

    xjw-b12 are we related? I also agree with your comments about praying for rain!

    If it rained we either never went out at all, or picked some calls where we would likely get invited in (preferably those known to make a cup of tea!).


  • fraidycat9

    I used to get stomach aches; real stomach aches when it was time to go. If the clouds showed even a hint of gathering and turning gray, that meant it was "getting ready" to rain. If as few as two drops of rain landed on my arm, that constituted a storm in my book. Also, it really comes in handy to have a child. Children do get hungry and have to go to the bathroom. That was when I would oftentimes make my exit. When I stopped going once and for all, the pressure suddenly went away. No one even wonders where I am now. It takes six months to stop being irregular. I'm fraidycat not stupidcat. I ain't starting the clock over.

  • Elsewhere

    Hated it!

  • Agent Smith
    Agent Smith

    I hate.

    I like many others, go because I have to.

  • Kagloo

    Hi everyone!

    Just got back to my PC and decided to take a look at the site to see if any responses had been posted to my view about the ministry...

    I would imagine that most people that have been involved in talking about Jehovah to their contemporaries have felt much the same as we do sometimes... Noah was mocked. Moses was hated by his own people! Jeremiah was chucked in a well! etc., etc., Ad Nauseum....

    And what about the Lord Jesus Christ himself? Who could have failed to see the goodness in the man as he went from village to village with his message about God's Kingdom? And he didn't just tell people about his Father he healed the sick, fed the hungry and even raised the dead! And what did his own people do to him? Much like the vast majority of people today they didn't listen - and some of those who were exposed by the truth he taught organised his murder and finally had him killed!

    Yep! Which ever way I look at it I seem to experience much the same apathy and sometimes hatred in some smaller measure. But I'll tell you what.... I wouldn't change a thing! I am proud to be involved in the work that he started.

    Oh sure I see some brothers and sisters playing games with their time... I've done it myself. But they're just human... and humans are prone to all sorts of weaknesses. And I guess that you could question the motive of others who preach... Maybe some are on an ego trip, maybe others are wanting to be noticed or doing it because they are encouraged (forced?) to do by parents, or because of peer pressure or for some other reaons, but by far the majority in my experience (33 Years since I was babtised) do it because they want to have some little share in the work that The Master did.

    We all have our hero's - those who we look up to and try to emulate... For me my hero is Christ Jesus! He was brave, he was selfless, he was forgiving, he told the truth, he loved those who hated him and his message...And he gave his life for wretched men like me who in truth are not worth the price he paid. Yep! That's the role model for me!

    And like I said in my last post... I will never regret having a share in the same ministry as Christ.


  • itsallgoodnow

    oh man did I hate it. since I'm slow fading, I just turn in a fake rept when they call me. Whatever. not like it means anything anyway...

  • Dan-O

    I didn't care for it at all when I was growing up.

    Looking back, I can see that it prepared me well for a career in sales. Cold calling on business people to talk about advertising is a breeze after going out in service.

  • jwbot

    I came down with a lot of "sicknesses" on the weekends...

    I HATED it, never liked it EVER growing up, as a teenager, as an adult...uugh.

    I tied to make the best of it, and didn't mind if friends were in the car group. I get anxiety attacks though.

  • 4JWY

    I used to love it when we were kids riding in the backseat of the big old black cadillac and the brother driving had a habitual spitting condition - we would bet each other whether or not his big wad that he'd spit out his window, would come back in our window and smack us in the face!

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