What are your thoughts on this?
Would a true religion have to be perfect?
by JH 17 Replies latest jw friends
I don't believe that which is perfect can arise from imperfection, without God's miraculous intervention.
So, considering that Religion in our day will remain imperfect, because all of it's practicers are currently not perfect, the "True Religion" would be one that holds to a finite set of reasonably demonstrable "facts", that one must believe, and everthing else is recognized as a principle, interpretation, prophecy, etc, open to individual interpretation.
Coincidentally, I've just described "my religion", non-denominational Christianity (as there are many (most?) denominations that don't fit that description).
Love_Truth- That's my two cents.
If it expects and requires "perfection" from its adherents, then, yes, I would expect the leader(s) to set that same example for the followers.
Do I think that it is a reasonable expectation? No, it's an impossible and unattainable goal. However, as I said, if the leaders expect it of the followers, then they should be prepared to set the example, in word and deed.
Love, Scully
The religion could be no less perfect than the deity it claims to represent.
Jehover likes to brag that it can do ANYTHING and never makes any mistakes.
This is purely theoretical, as I have no religious belief left, but I think no, I don't think it would have to be...
When god handed over the 'church' to humans eg The Christians after Christ, he would have handed over his trust to them and left himself open to the possibility of being representated badly.
I am assuming by the term "religion" you really mean "denomination" - is that correct? If so, then I would have to say there is no TRUE religion/denomination because they are all man-made.
Jesus is above all of that - he doesn't exist in a religious denomination.
No Apologies
I don't expect perfection, but I do expect a religion (or any organization) to admit when it is wrong.
If the religion claims to be Gods mouthpiece, and it claims get its understanding of scripture from God, then of coarse it would have to be perfect.
If it can df.people from their ranks for not agreeing with all its present teachings, then of course it would have to be perfect.
If it can change its teachings over and over and over again and claim that God gave them 'new light' then of course it would have to be perfect.
So to sum it up.
Yep. True religion would have to be perfect if the leaders claim it is Gods one true religion on earth.
Unless of course the religion in question is saying God doesn't know what is true therefore His religion wouldn't know what is true.
neyank -
"True" religion should be relevant to the age in which it is! When it ceases to be relevant, it needs to be replaced with a new model. Simple, Moses gave laws that were appropriate to the tribal society of His region, Chrisna gave relevant guidance in His time. All the others likewise. The question of today, in that we are now international and global, what would a religion look like that would adequately address the issues of today's society. Pretty much sets a realistic standard for testing its "fruits" as Jesus would say. Perfection would then be a relative term! (except for my relatives...:-))
No, it wouldn't, as there is nothing that is perfect on this earth. However, i think that it should help individual people to go in the direction that is right for the individual. It would of necessity be non organisational, as power always corrupts. Doctrine would be, above all else, of a very practical nature. The importance of pie in the sky, predetermined theology would be next to none, as each person would naturally see diety in his/her own way (whatever part of diety they are capable of seeing). In other words, this 'religion' would need a lot of flexibility built in, in order to match the endless variables of the 6 billion people on the planet.