A Poem for an ex-JW daughter from her JW father

by Lady Lee 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    My daughter received the following from her father (still a JW after all these years). Both my daughters have told him they are tired of him shoving the "truth" down their throats. They don't want to make waves but OI the guilty he tries to instill. I have to wonder how many others will be receiving one of these. Has anyone seen this?

    Teachings for Our Children

    I can teach you about Jehovah
    But only you can believe.

    I can take you to the Kingdom Hall
    But only you can listen.

    I can teach you right from wrong
    But only you can decide.

    I can teach you Bible principles and laws
    But only you can follow them.

    I can teach you respect but
    Only you can give it.

    I can teach you about morals
    But only you can live by them.

    You know the dangers of alcohol and drugs
    But I can't say NO for you.

    We talked about goals
    But only you can achieve them.

    I can show you beautiful places
    But true beauty comes from within.

    I can pray for you, to walk the right path
    But only you can choose the road to take.

    I gave you the start of your life,
    Only you can determine the end.

    I can love you forever,
    but can't give you Life Forever.

    You can have Eternal Life
    But only you can pursue it.

  • xjw_b12

    LadyLee. Do you think father authored that himself, or plagerized it.

    From what you describe of him, I'd think he'd have trouble filling out his field service report?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I doubt he wrote it himself. The forward came with pictures that didn't come through and to be honest he just isn't that poetic

    And ummm about his hours - he was always a go-getter - in service all the time - aleways had book studies - brought a few people in. On the surface (outward appearances) he is the perfect little dub - taking the lead as much as possible and now climbing the corporate ladder again.

    He truly believes this stuff and zealously proclaims it to anyone who will listen. For some odd reason he never lost the zeal that most new JWs have - mind you he IS pretty odd lol

  • talesin


    This is so typical ... and typically sad.

    I'm happy for your daughters ...... cause they have YOU.


  • Dansk
    I'm happy for your daughters ...... cause they have YOU.

    I echo that! Lee's a fabulous lady and her girls are in the right place!

    I'm not ashamed to say I owe Lee a lot.


  • xjw_b12

    Lee being the sharp person you are, I'd like to see your version of that poem back to him !

  • Scully


    That is the worst piece of guilt-inducing crap that I've seen in a long long time.

    How about we re-work it, huh??

    Teachings for Our Parents

    You can shove Jehovah down our throats
    But I don't have to believe in him.

    You can drag us to the Kingdom Hall
    But you can't make us listen.

    You can teach me right from wrong
    But a good example from you would have been better.

    You can talk about Bible principles and laws
    But it doesn't make you a good parent.

    You can say that you deserve respect But only you can earn it from me.

    You can talk all you want about morals
    But only you can live by them.

    I know the dangers of alcohol and drugs
    But I wish you'd taught me about wife and child abusers too.

    You talked about your goals for me
    But you didn't give a damn about what my dreams and goals were.

    You could have shown me beautiful places
    But all you showed me were illustrations of Paradise on Earth that are as real as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

    You can pray for me, but you need to pray for your own damn self
    More than I need your hypocritical prayers.

    You gave me the start of my life,
    It's too bad you couldn't have been a Dad instead of just a sperm donor.

    You can say that you'll love me forever,
    but you've never done a damn thing to put me ahead of your stupid cult.

    You can take your Eternal Life
    (if you honestly believe that YOU of all people deserve it)
    and shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

  • LeslieV

    I like Skully's version much better!!!!!! My ex also sends my kids letters and poems that are full of guilt and nonsense. Thank goodness your daughters have you.


  • Sassy

    good one Scully!

    I sure hope I don't get the one Lady Lee posted from my mother..

    I'd put money on it that I will though..

  • Nosferatu

    I have to agree with everything in that poem, except for the last two lines:

    You can have Eternal Life
    But only you can pursue it.

    I'll tell you something, if all JWs lived by that poem (except for the last two lines), there wouldn't be any disfellowshipping, no shunning, no gossip, less abuse, no conditional love, etc etc. This poem is basically saying that you have the right to choose your destination. The sad thing is JWs normally don't respect that decision if it isn't the way of the "truth".

    Also, the title sucks. It should be called "The Right To Choose".

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