Traveling photographer.
What would be your dream career?
by LyinEyes 56 Replies latest jw friends
Damn you Shamus
Your destroying one place after another..... now you moved to Iraq
Love to be a Photographer....or a porn star
A high paying actor.
A wedding minister in a tropical paradise, like the virgin Islands.
Seriously, I AM a wedding minister. If anyone needs to get hitched, lemme know.
I know a guy who had the Midas touch. By the time he was 26, he'd had a successful shoe store (quit it from boredom), became an artist, photographer, sculptor, and inventor. Talented. He submitted architecture plans for doctors offices, though he never even went to college, and was hired. He became an expert on solar engergy in our state. He was a member of our judo club, and quickly became a black belt. He also answered phones at the crisis center. He was married--and divorced. That was 20 years ago.
Last I knew, he was happily tearing down buildings and lugging away garbage from condemned properties. I wonder what the heck his dreams are now!! ....Restless, talented guy.
My husband says that if you do anything long enough, it becomes work. But a friend of mine says that if you do the thing you love for a job, you'll never work another day in your life. I know they both can be right.
I tend to think a bit like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz--I can be happy right here, right now. But if I were to choose something special to do in order to earn money, it would be a traveling-food-taster-for-the-World's-Finest-Restaurants. But I don't know where to apply. They may not pay well, either. Realistically, if I could get the Agricultural Dept to be happy with my coffee roasting setup, I would roast and sell coffee beans.
So I guess I'll just be my daughter's mommy, for free.
Landscape Oil Painter and Writer of Literary Novels.
But a career as a photographer for National Geographic sounds pretty cool...
Retired seems even better!
Porn superstar actor!
But more down to earth, I'd love to have a dual career. Half the day I'd be an electrical engineer designing circuits for and testing electronic musical instruments like keyboards or electric horns and maybe developing some new stuff. When I was in college, I read about some research done at MIT and a few other places on instruments that you don't even have to touch to play. You just move around in a particular space.
The other half of the day, I would play jazz music hard bop 50's and 60's style and some contemporary jazz stuff in the style of groups like the Crusaders or the Yellowjackets. I'd play my saxophone and maybe some keyboard or maybe the electronic instruments that I helped design.
Winning the Lotto and then doing whatever the hell I want!
How about living quarters in New York
No expectations by anyone for you to be right
Someone makes your bed and prepares your meals
An artist, and im starting to live it and it's making me very happy i've got my first major exhibition in June, it's in a huge, beautiful, georgian gallery but i'm scared now that I won't have enough pieces if i fail miserably i'd like to work with horses again.