What would be your dream career?

by LyinEyes 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    LOL @ Jehovah,,,,,,, Ummm I mean Valis.........Billygoat and Mozzer porn stars........well humm,,, they are cute. Bet they work well together.......,hehe.

    So is that what the new camera equipment was for Andi????? Love ya girl... cant wait to star in one of your porns,, I mean see ya in Dallas!!!!

  • Atilla

    As the guy says in Office Space, absolutely nothing. Other than that a professor or a teacher which I'm already working on, maybe even a state senator or representative.

  • Love_Truth

    Ideally, I'd be a landscape architect and landscaper (my passion and hobby).

    But my current career is a close second, for other, very, very differrent reasons.

  • talesin


    that would be great! thanks. ps - neither are mine :)


  • flower

    Hmmm dream careers...Freelance Journalist, Child psychologist/counselor, teacher, novelist or ...envelope stuffer. :)

  • SixofNine

    Same as when I was a kid, a cowboy. In Hawaii.

    Actually, my dual career as a photographer and carpenter/contractor is probably perfect for me as a stark~raving ADD and out-of-the-box creative type. By biggest fear in life is that I'll be forced to do something I've already done well (if I've done it, but not mastered it, then sure, I'm happy to do-over), over and over and over in order to make a living, or that someone will want/need me to show up at 8:00 am for 5 days in a row. *shudder*

  • gumby

    Poor ol' sixer.......got pointed at and teased by those mean hawaiians just for wearin those cute little cowboy boots and a pair of sixshooters.

    I'd like to be a porn star just for a few hours....then that's it. Just so I could die sayin I was a porn star once.

    Other than that....I'm not sure yet cuz I ain't growed up yet.


  • SixofNine
    I'd like to be a porn star just for a few hours....

    Yeah, like that could happen.

  • rocketman

    I'd like to be a sports commentator. Football and/or Baseball.

  • copsec

    Crime Scene Investigator


    Road Manager for Aerosmith

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