Soon the special night will be upon us, when millions of Jehovah's Witnesses
will gather together for the sacred purpose of merely passing around the emblems
of Christian salvation and rejecting them.
This event proves to me that anything, no matter how silly, will be treated solemnly
if you can get enough compliant people to do it. I recall an old newsreel from WW1
in which a Russian Orthodox priest is dispensing holy water by 'thwacking' a small
wet towel at soldiers. I guess he didn't have a Windex bottle.
Does any Witness ever 'awaken' and shout "What the hell are we doing?!!"
The silliness of the Memorial - and its emblems passing, passing, passing
among millions of non-partakers is re-inforced by the Watchtower's own pictures
( see March 15 rear cover and page 7).
Never mind that the wine and unleavened bread are the very symbols of
Christian salvation. Never mind that Jesus said he gave his flesh "in behalf
of the life of the world" ( John 6:51). Never mind that the "great crowd" are
"made white" by the "blood of the Lamb" ( Rev. 7:14) Never mind that
"He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life" ( John 6:54)
You'll never see the Watchtower Society change its opinion on this cultic travesty
of Christian ritual - I guarantee it! There's no chance because:
1) it would mean admitting that they were wrong
2) it might interfere with the greedy, controlling aims of a few elderly
gerontocrats , who would never agree with any loss of their personal
authority, given to them ( in their imagination) by Christ.
So, keep passing, passing, passing those plates and goblets, 'round and 'round.
like Jesus said "Keep passing this stuff around in remembrance of me" (?!)