In Cincinatti a three -story structure owned by a J.W. congregation collapsed, with only the walls standing. Dogs found no one in the building. Inspectors were called to the scene to determine the cause of its fall. See "It was just this big boom":
J.W. Building Collapses
by Kenneson 26 Replies latest jw friends
Neighbor: "It was just this big boom"
By Roy Wood
Post staff reporterFelice Griffith was up feeding her 5-month-old baby about 4:30 this morning when she heard a crash outside."It was just this big boom. It shook my windows," she said.
When she went to the window, the building across the street -- at 411 Wade St. -- was falling down.
"A piece of it was still falling when I got to the window," she said.
Hamilton County tax records show that the building is owned by the Central Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses at 3607 Barberry Avenue.
The market land value is listed at $3,600, according to the county auditor's records.
Griffith, who has lived on Wade Street in the West End for three years, said the situation was frightening because her other children were playing near the building earlier this week.
Hamilton County Sheriff's Deputy Troy Swearingen was called to the scene with his bloodhound, Mattie, to search the rubble for bodies.
No one was in the vacant building.
The façade, roof and all three floors of the structure fell, leaving only three exterior walls upright.
Building inspectors were called to the scene to being investigating the cause of the collapse.
On Jan. 18, a large portion of Summit Country Day School's main building in Hyde Park fell after construction work nearby, and freezing temperatures shifted the building's support.
Publication Date: 03-18-2004
Looks like it was just an old crappy building... most likely not even in use.
I know of a KH in Port Arthur that has been up for sale since the mid 1980's... no one wants to buy it and it's just sitting there rotting away. The same thing likely happened in this news report.
...kwik-builds....built to last!!!
got my forty homey?
How could Jehovah let this happen?!
How could Jehovah let this happen?!
I see a sweet insurance settlment in the future for the Central Congregation
And the rain lashed and the winds blew ....