Tips For People Who Visit the South

by Tatiana 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • roybatty
    lol Lyin I gotta tell you the day my ex brought home a coon he had killed with his truck was the day I said "HELL NO, I'm not cooking and eating that"! Otherwise pretty much anything else goes though *sigh* I just can't do roadkill...nope...

    I'm just trying to picture this....hits the coon....stops his truck...looks the dead coon (thinks it's his lucky day)...throws it in back...brings it home....does he walk in with it or does he leave it in the truck? What kind of wine goes good with coon? :)

  • Xena

    *sigh* EVERYONE knows you drink BEER with road kill Roy....geez

    he skinned it out before he brought it home to me, gotta love him! lol he was such a country guy and I was such a city girl...I don't know how we managed as long as we did!

  • worldlygirl

    Thanks! This was great.

    Worldlygirl (American by birth, southern by the grace of God.)

  • roybatty
    he skinned it out before he brought it home to me, gotta love him!

    What a gentlemen. For a minute there I was worried that he'd let his manners slip. :)

  • LyinEyes

    LOL , Moejojo,,,,,,,,,,,,,I can tell ya what my father in law did, same basic story...hehe.

    My daughter loves rabbits, she has tons of stuffed animal rabbits everywhere. When she was about 6 yrs old , she loved to go out to her Pappaws and look at the big wild rabbits that always were in his garden. She could get pretty close to them before they ran off.

    Well, Pappaw saw one , another nice big brown rabbit, and got his gun and shot the thing,,,,,right in front on my daughter,,,,,needless to say she was mad, pissed and told him she would never forgive him for it. He really didnt think you know........that it would bother her so much. Because if you knew my daughter she is a huge tomboy, who once bit the head a a tiny turtle off because it made her mad,,,,,,,by biting her finger.

    Well, Pap, explained to her that rabbits are just like any other animal that we eat, and that as long as we are not killing it to be mean or for fun,,,,,it is ok to kill even rabbits. She forgave him,,,,,,and even watched as he skinned it. She was a little fasinated at how the fur came off like a pair of jammies. But she didnt eat any of the rabbit........after all I guess she still had her

    My hubby goes squirrel huntin' and I am not skinning anything, and eating it. I have trouble cutting up a whole fryer chicken,,,, I just cant hack at it's little body. So the meat I eat has to not look like it's original I go to the grocery store where they mutilate the body parts so I dont have to see it. But I eat me some chicken up!!!!!!

  • waiting
    10. Tea - yeah, we have tea. It comes in a glass over ice and is sweet. You want it hot - sit it in the sun. You want it unsweetened - add a lot of water.

    ooooooooooooo, soooooo, true. I'm in South Carolina (22 yrs now.) We can always tell when we hit Yankeeland while sweetened ice tea. How barbaric.

    Being a Hoosier originally, when I moved down here....I went back up *yonder* (means *there* in yankee) sometimes. Before going, one guy (a real bubba) would always comment "ewwwwwwwwwe, better take a sweater. gets cold in yankeeland."

    He was right. We tend to put away our sweaters in mid March til mid November. Then it's jacket weather.

    Hey April! Been passing thru "Beautiful Downtown Hemingway" (an inside joke) recently. Hasn't changed much.


  • IronGland

    HUNTSVILLE, AL?For the 135th straight year since Gen. Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox, representatives for the South announced Monday that the region has postponed plans to rise again.

    Above: Three of the estimated 45 million Southerners who have not yet gotten around to rising again.

    "Make no mistake, the South shall rise again," said Knox Pritchard, president of the Huntsville-based Alliance Of Confederate States. "But we're just not quite ready to do it now. Hopefully, we'll be able to rise again real soon, maybe even in 2001."

    Pritchard's fellow Southerners shared his confidence.

    "Yes, sir. The South will rise again, and when it does, I'll be right up front waving the Stars and Bars," said Dock Mullins of Decatur, GA. "But first, I gotta get my truck fixed and get that rusty old stove out of my yard."

    "Lord willing, and the creek don't rise, we gonna rise again," said Sumter, SC, radiator technician Hap Slidell, who describes himself as "Southern by the grace of God." "I don't know exactly when we're gonna do it, but one of these days, we're gonna show them Yankees how it's done."

    "Save your Confederate dollars," Slidell added. "You can bet on that."

    The Deep South states of Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Tennessee consistently rank at the bottom of the nation in a wide variety of statistical categories, including literacy, infant mortality, hospital beds, toilet-paper sales, and shoe usage. Even so, some experts believe the region could be poised for a renaissance.

    "The way things stand, things in the Deep South almost have to get better. Otherwise, the people who live there will devolve into preverbal, overall-wearing sub-morons within a century," said Professor Dennis Lassiter of Princeton University. "Either Southerners will start improving themselves, or they'll be sold to middle-class Asians as pets."

    Above: The Kentucky state capitol.

    "My constituents are decent, hard-working folk," said Sen. Jesse Helms (R-NC), despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, in his 22nd annual "Next Year, By God!" speech on the steps of North Carolina's capitol building. "We are a proud people who mayn't have all that much fancy-pants book-learnin', but we live and die with pride in our proud heritage and the dignity of our forebears."

    Helms' speech was met with nearly 25 minutes of enthusiastic hoots and rebel yells by the 15,000 drunk, unemployed tobacco pickers in attendance.

    Though Southerners are overwhelmingly in favor of rising again, few were able to provide specific details of the rising-again process.

    "I don't know, I reckon we'll build us a bunch of big, fancy buildins and pave us up a whole mess of roads," said Bobby Lee Fuller of Greenville, MS. "I ain't exactly sure where we're gonna get the money for that, but when Johnny Reb sets his mind to something, you best get out of his way."

    "Oh, it'll happen, sure as the sun come up in the morning," said Buford Comstock, 26, a student at Over 'N' Back Diesel Driving School in Union City, TN. "The South is gonna rise up, just as soon as we get together and get all our shit back in one sock. Then, look out, Northerners!"

    "Yesiree," Comstock added, "one day soon, the Mason-Dixon Line will be the boundary between a great nation and one whose time done passed."

  • DanTheMan

    Thanks for that, I had forgotten that Southerners are the very embodiment of all that is self-righteous and good.

  • Panda

    We have 2 stop lights and the only people who don't stop are tourists and teenage girls. Everyone waves from their vehicle or says "Hi, how ya doin'" at the HEB or Walmart. Even little kids learn to say Yes/no ma'am and Yes/no sir. I live on a rural stretch of a one lane potholed county road. People say howdy neighbor and I just have a bare rememberance of them living about 1/2 mile up the road.

    Folks here 'bouts may eat armadillo (no thank you) and there are wild hogs which are huge and mean. I'm not talking about the natrual wild boar. But hogs gone feral --- real mean, real big and if you trap them you get $$$ at auction for 'em.

    If you have a horse you feed and care for it yourself --- even if you are only 4. 10 year olds have helped birth one animal or another and seen what "baby making" is about. It is so nice not to have to explain!

    Most everyone is too religious for me. But surprizing enough the WWII vets are not real believers. They won't call themselves atheists but you get these fellas talkin/ and they tell me that there are plenty of atheists in fox holes.

    There's a whole wait and see attitude. Works for me.

  • WhyNow2000

    One of my favorite place to visit is New Orleans.....but not Burbon Street...tooo damn tourist.

    Some of the nicest people live there.

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