My deepest sympathy Bonezz....Your Father had obeyed God by "Get out of her my people -if you do not want to bear with them in their sins" He ( I believe) Is seeing the "face of Jesus" No pain, no suffering, PEACE!!!!! You & your Mum ( & family >even if they are not talking to you) will have to press on- I know how difficult that is... You mentined it is your first experience of a family member, I lost my hubby, my wonderful daughter at 42- my wonderful son at 46- my sweet baby at 3 days.. Your going to grieve as I still do darling, but just remember ----It is O.K. to let those tears flow,,,,, & Give Mum lots of cuddles she needs those she will be missing from her other half ....
Hang in there !!!! Know we are all here for you to explode, dont let the hatred of the WT - mar you> Hate destroys !!!! love builds - Forgive them they know not what they do!!!!!!!They are Blind... (((HUG)))
Sorry it is so long .......Grace