My Dad died a few hours ago

by BONEZZ 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    (((((((((Bonezz))))))))) I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your Father.

  • Navigator

    Sorry to hear of your loss. I lost mine more than 22 years ago. Except I really didn't lose him. He finds neat little ways to let me know that he is still here. Don't know if he is waiting for my mother or what. I am confident that he survived the experience.

  • cyber-sista

    Your father sounds like a most honorable man. He stood up for what he knew what right and true despite the consequences...I am so sorry for your loss. My regards and sympathy to your family too.

    Love, cybs

  • azaria

    I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. My own dad passed away a witness 7 months ago. It's painful to think about. IThankfully your dad saw the truth after 51 years. It gives us a little hope that others might also see it. Hang on to the wonderful memories of your father. Not all of us have that. Take care Bonezz

  • Morgan

    Dear Bonezz,

    My condolences to you and your family

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Our fathers are from the same generation...WWII vets...such stand-up guys. When my Dad passed on a few years ago it was divestating for me. But time will heal the now tender and open wound. The first 3 or 4 months were the hardest, but like the poster above, I feel my father's presence. Death is but a door, nothing more, and without a doubt your father now knows what we here on this board speculate about. My true condolences..... ...

    Double Edge

  • Soledad

    my deepest condolensces.

  • Kenneson

    I sympathize with you. Sad news.


    Words cannot express the feelings I have for all of you. You are all loving, caring individuals...some who have gone thru so much more than I have so far. Your sincere empathy is greatly appreciated and your words of wisdom are cherished. I'll have more when I can express myself better. Thank you again for all the nice comments and PMs.


  • bikerchic


    My deepest and heartfelt condolences to you and your family.

    Your parents sound like lovely people. I'm saddened that they were treated so badly by the JW's and their own granddaughter! I wish your father would have registered here and posted so we could have gotten to know him. His experiences would have been an encouragement to many here who have undergone the same treatment.

    I'm sorry your heart is broken, time does heal but be kind to yourself and pay special attention to your Mother.



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