When you were active JWs, did you meet with hostility or violence as a result of your field service?
Hostility or Violence during Field Service
by richard 15 Replies latest jw friends
I had a gun pointed at me, but then they would have pointed a gun at any one on their property. (Their property was not posted)
I found out later that even the police were cautious going there. I had it marked Do Not Call in the territory and told the elders about the danger and that they should be careful or be found bloodguilty.
A man once tried to force an elderly Witness at his door to salute the flag in his driveway. He backed off when a car full of Witnesses drove up.
Yes, one creep let her dogs out of the yard after we said good bye, and one of the dogs ran out onto the driveway where we were and bit my little son, 5 years old. I was NEVER rude at the door or pushy - so it wasn't personal - the householder was just a swine.
La Capra
I was chased by a goose once. The bitties were horrified. I laughed my ass off (offending the bitties, of course, what DIDN'T I do that offended the bitties...) Shoshana
I told the householder that if they didn't accept my bible study, God would destroy them. Other than that, there was no violence or hostility.
When my daughter was two, she was trying to place a tract on a door when an older lady opened the door and looked my baby in the face and yelled TAKE THAT FUCKING SHIT OFF MY DOOR!
Biotch she should have told me to my face and not my baby. I wish i could go back and call her a F*c*k*ng old S*i* Beyotch!!!!!!!
I don't know what happened but I will try again.
The first incident I remember was when I was about 9 years old. An old farmer threatened us with a shotgun to "run us off" his place. He told us to RUN...RUN... My dad (faith in Jehovah) calmly walked away. I think I pissed my pants though.
The second thing I remember was a man trying to throw us off his place by grabbing my Dad.My Dad,although small in stature was able to hold his own and could not be moved.The man tired out and we left peacefully.
The third thing was my sis inlaw.A woman turned a garden hose on her as she came up the walk.The elders got involved.They told the woman to PLEASE...PLEASE not do it again or they might have to do SOMETHING about it.WHAT??? PRAY FOR LIGHTNING TO STRIKE???
OH #4 No Biggie....My Wife and daughter were threatened that if they ever came back they would get their legs broken...Thanks a lot...Where were you you F@ing ELDERS.Go to the police...Oh no we don't want to bring god's name into disrepute.CROC OF S#IT.
POZ (of the pissed off class)
One time on a Sunday afternoon, a man aswered the door and when he saw who we were, started screaming and cussing about having a yardful of guests for a barbecue (we could see them all through an adjoining window), and didn't we have better sense than to bother people, and he kept it up with all this hollering until a woman came rushing to the door, pulled him away and slammed the door! We could still hear him carrying on as we walked down the driveway!
Another time, I came up to an older man who was painting a fence in his front yard. As I was chirping along in my best conversational tone, giving my presentation, he stood up, turned around to me and started waving the paintbrush at my face, and ended up chasing me back to the car with it!
Ahhh, the good ole days!