Hostility or Violence during Field Service

by richard 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maya

    True story -

    Quite a while ago 2 "brothers" went to a door and an elderly lady answers and at her feet is a tiny, tiny yappy dog (Yorkshire Terrier, I think). They give their spiel, all the while the dog is carrying on and on and on. Elderly lady says she'll take the mags, goes inside to get the "contribution" and leaves doggie outside with the dubs. Doggie is still making a racket, and one of the dubs takes his book bag and smacks the doggie to shut him up.

    Doggie keels over.

    Doggie isn't moving.

    Doggie isn't breathing.

    Doggie is oh so dead.

    Elderly lady is coming back. What to do with dead doggie?

    Why, pick it up and stick it in the bookbag.

    Elderly lady comes back to door. Where is doggie she asks. They have no clue they say.

    They thank her and after she shuts the door they remove dead doggie from bookbag and leave him on her front step.

    This is my very first post. Excuse me while I dive under my desk and await the freak bolt of lightening that is going to strike the huge ass tree outside my window that is going to crash through the roof knocking me out on the ONE day I'm not wearing my designer hard hat.

  • orangefatcat

    that is some story of the doggie and the witnesses. how cruel on their part not to tell the lady the TRUTH, what cowards.

    The poor lady must have been beside herself when she found her dear pet dead. And shame on those JWs.

    Once out in the ministry my grandma was in the service in Nova Scotia and a lady come running up to my grandma and splashed carbolic acid on her face. How terrible.

    My dad his first day in the service had a 12 gauge shoot gun put up to his face and told to leave or pay the consequenses.

    Anyway thats the thing that happen sometimes in the service. I was never that lucky.

    love Orangefatcat.OrangeFatCat 15Hearts

  • nowisee

    maya, what an intro. hope you have fun here.

    that story is TRUE?? omg. it sounds more like an episode in "there's something about mary".

    re the original question: once at the top of an inside stairway (i must have been a young teenager, l4 or l5), a white-faced enraged man emerged and grabbed my arm, pushed me down the stairs.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Never really got a bad response from the householders as a pioneer, but I once froze to death trying to get my 90 in one cold morning in the subway!

  • Maya

    Hi nowisee -

    I apologize, I should have prefaced with "reverse hostility or violence during field service"!

    Yes, it is most true; one of those dubs at the door (not the doggie murderer) was engaged to one of my family members.

    As for myself, a very irate lady chased me with a broom. But only after I told her God was going to destroy her.

    I was 5, what did I know!

    I am so happy to have found y'all on this board. It's like I have found the family I have been searching for my whole life. All of you are so brave! And such an inspiration to people like me. THANK YOU!!!!!!


  • anglise

    Twi sisters in our car group where having quite a good conversation with the female householder.

    After a few minutes someone else from the inside the house came to the door and became very abusive and unpleasant it ended up with him shouting and then slamming the front door VERY HARD.

    There was a crash and a sound of breaking glass. One of the sisters remembered there was a mirror on the wall by the front door.

    They left quickly.

    Several in our cong where bitten by dogs, chased by geese etc. As we had some very rural territory we chose descretion and never opened gates that had guard dogs signs, just wandered on and enjoyed the country walk.


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