To the right wing Americans

by donkey 37 Replies latest social current

  • aunthill

    Re: Jobs overseas aka "outsourcing"

    The Heinz company, which is the source of Ms. Heinz-Kerry's fortune - through inheritance, not by any of her abilities (except the ability to marry and outlive her previous husband), outsources most of its jobs.

    I don't know the numbers for sure, but there are something like 52 Heinz factories, and only 3 or 4 are here in the good old USA, all the rest are in foreign countries.

    IMHO Mr. Kerry should start at home and have Ms. Heinz-Kerry use her influence to return those factories and jobs to this country.

    Mr. Kerry can't make up his mind and stick with any one policy: "I voted for the $87,000,000. before I voted against it." Not to mention that the Dems, including John Kerry, are masters at the ad hominem attack. If they don't have a valid argument in response, they attack the messinger, or questioner as the case may be. When Kerry claimed that foreign leaders (implied: heads of state) supported him over Bush and was asked which countries/leaders he had spoken with, Kerry attacked - Are you a Republican??!! Answer me! Did you vote for Bush in the last election??!! instead of answering the question. If that were true (and I don't think it is) I would want to know which countries backed him over Bush because I want to know who he owes favors to. If it were Vladimir Putin and Fidel Castro, or the French and Germans - we would know where his loyalties lie. But the fact that he REFUSED to answer the question and ATTACKED the questioner, tells me he is a liar in the manner of Al Gore, who, we all know, invented the internet, after all, he told us he did.

    I will respect the office if he is elected, but since I do vote, I am entitled to criticize him.

  • Realist
    He's a New England elitist who has no care or use for American lowerlings.

    not as caring as bush?

  • blacksheep

    I don't know the numbers for sure, but there are something like 52 Heinz factories, and only 3 or 4 are here in the good old USA, all the rest are in foreign countries.

    The number I heard recently discussed on a newsshow, which by the way, Kerry reps had NO answer for, but chose to change the subject was a total of 72% of the production for Heinz is outsourced to other countries.

    IMHO Mr. Kerry should start at home and have Ms. Heinz-Kerry use her influence to return those factories and jobs to this country.

    Ah, but remember, Kerry is a man of "nuance," "complexity." As such he's entitled to apparent gross hypocracy.

  • aunthill

    Thanks for the clarification, Blacksheep.

    "Ah, but remember, Kerry is a man of "nuance," "complexity." As such he's entitled to apparent gross hypocracy."

    And a Massachusetts (sp?) liberal elitist.

  • Realist


    whats the problem with being liberal and elitist? i would rather have an intelligent elitist as persident of the US than a moronic elitist.

  • Farkel


    : i would rather have an intelligent elitist as persident of the US than a moronic elitist.

    No elitist is good. Anyone who considers himself superior to all others but his social peers is a jackass.


  • Realist


    damn it! we agree on something other than how dreadfully stupid religion is!

    my problem with the above statements is that bush too comes from a very elitist family. he playes the folks person but i have the impression thats just as much a lie as everything else he if this constitutes a problem for people then one would have to vote for nader i guess.

  • Farkel


    We probably agree on a lot of things. I'm not dogmatic, you know.

    : my problem with the above statements is that bush too comes from a very elitist family. he playes the folks person but i have the impression thats just as much a lie as everything else he utters

    That's probably only because you dislike him so. All the people I've seen interviewed who know him, but don't work for him say he is totally down-to-earth. His father might be a bit of an elitist, though.

    For people like Kerry, even if they had a lot of character, it would be darn hard being in a family of old weath and being around the old money and attitudes of the Massachusetts gentry to NOT end up being elitist.

    To compound issues, eastern establishment elitists and particularly New England elitists are in a class of there own when it comes to snobbery and feelings of superiority. Bush has made him home in Texas and even if he's a Texas oil elitist, that's nothing compared to New England elitists.

    You may not agree, but I see Bush as talking TO the people and Kerry as talking DOWN to the people, as if the people don't understand what is going on. Kerry has this sing-songy voice that drenches with the implication that he is just going through the motions of speaking to the people as if he should be above all of that.

    Furthermore, no one has any idea of what Kerry is going to flip-flop on next. His voting record alone shows he has no strong convictions on almost all important matters. Except raising taxes, that is. He's mentioned some vague notion that we need to somehow "negotiate diplomatically" with the Iraqi terrorists. HA! How do you negotiate with terrorists who not only believe it is on God's order that they kill YOU, but don't even care about killing themselves to do it?

    I don't trust the man and his voting record shows he cannot be trusted. He's more of a pimp pandering to the whims of his constituents than a leader and statesman. He has yet to show how he as president is personally going to "create" jobs. Outside of raising taxes and bloating the already bloated bureaucracy, a President can do little personally to create jobs. A strong economy with low taxes and low government interference creates jobs. Always has. Always will. No government ever taxed their way to a strong economy.

    As the lesser of two evils, I prefer Bush.


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