P**sing Into the Wind?

by patio34 20 Replies latest social current

  • patio34

    I haven't been reading much political stuff here as I've been feeling overwhelmed by USA affairs for a while.

    The more I read, the more it seems to me that it's just on a downward dangerous spiral and it's frustrating to argue with right-wing people who seem to see it so much differently. I can't understand why they aren't moved by what's going on and how they can condone the what seems to me to be blatant criminal and bigoted actions of the current administration. I'm not going to defend those statements, it's my opinion and I know the right-wingers are "true believers" when it comes to Bush, et al.

    I'll be in the fray in other ways, but not on this board. It just makes me sick what's going on in this country and has been going on for decades. It's not that the Democrats are "salvation" either, in my (current) opinion. It's been likened to "coke or Pepsi" to choose between them. They just may not be so flagrant. It would seem they are the lesser of the two evils (which is still lesser!).

    I'm just trying to adjust to the fact that I seem to live in a far different country than what I perceived I lived in. And the right-wingers' conviction that they are so correct, with no margin for even admitting the slightest indiscretion on the part of Bush is astounding to me.

    It's not fair for me to make this post (hit and run ) and not defend it. So I won't. But then maybe I will. Who in the hell ever said things were fair? Ask any Iraqi who's had their country cluster-bombed and then told "we're your saviors." As if that were the best and only way to handle it "liberating" Iraq. What utter nonsense to any thinking person.

    You know, with what I read about the current administration's and the neo-cons' policies towards:

    • the environment,
    • civil rights,
    • gay people,
    • women's rights,
    • empire-building,
    • space militarization,
    • preventive, so-called pre-emptive war,
    • social security,
    • job outsourcing,
    • job loss,
    • big corporations,
    • etc.,

    I almost wish I didn't have children or grandchildren to worry about. It would just be me. I really hope things aren't as dire as they seem. Even that the right-wingers would be right. But I don't think so. And I worry about my descendants' futures. People are already suffering from the greatest loss of jobs since the depression. It used to be that going to college was the answer to a secure future, but now it's the higher tech jobs being outsourced. I don't know the answers--just that the Bush Cabal is not the answer--unless you're rich.

    In fact, I can now understand the appeal better of the JW fantasy that god is going to come and take care of all the wicked governments, etc. How nice it would be to swaddle myself in a fairy tale that all would turn out well and I wouldn't have to worry. But those days are over, since I took the red pill, lol.

    The only reason I'm posting this is I don't want to give the wrong impression that my oppostion to the Bushites has changed. I'm just tired of pissing spitting into the wind, lol!

    Oops there goes my blood pressure.I hope that a better way is coming this November. In the interest of my mental health, I'm taking a break from the political subjects on this board.

    I'm sure others on this board feel the same way, don't you?

    Peacefully yours,


  • patio34

    Aren't these nice posting rules I got off another board?


    Before posting a message, please reflect for a moment --

    * Is it kind?

    * Is it true?

    * Is it solution-oriented?

    * Does it contribute to the greater good?

    Avoid terse replies that contribute little or nothing, like, "Way to go," "Me, too!," "That's great!," or "I agree." If you're going to reply, add something of significance to the discussion.

    On the other hand, be concise. The shorter your statement, the more likely it is to be read, understood, and appreciated.

    Let's see how good we can get at respectful disagreement. We encourage divergent thinking, yet our criticisms need not be personal. Consider harmony or discord. Both are expressions of diversity, but harmony is more refined.

    Have fun. People are the best part of life. Occasionally, we may irritate, frustrate, and anger others to an extraordinary degree. But alone, we'd be much more miserable.

    And finally, "Be gentle, love Life, and take care of each other." -- Michael


    I guess this post above of mine doesn't meet all those criteria, lol. But I mean well, and love this board!


  • xjw_b12

    Patio ... It's about the economy

    xjw_b12 who hates political threads

  • patio34

    Lol, XJw!

    Thanks for the reply. Money . . . makes the world go around the world go around. . . Mon-eeeee.


  • wednesday

    Patio, i read your posts and enjoy them. and i read this one and enjoyed it. I am still however, a supporter of Bush. To me he is the lesser of the 2 evils. Our entire way of life is at stake, and someone has to step up to the plate and say"we're not going to take it any longer" I listen to the democrats, i too long for the days , back in the 60's when the democart party was different. But it has changed and our world has changed and we have real enemies now, and our way of life is threatned. Osma and Saddm do not want to sit in a circle and smoke a peace pipe, they want to blow us up. plain and simple. do we stand by with peace pipes and let them or do we say"over my dead body will u destroy the country that so many died for" I'm sorry innocent people have died, war is hell. but would u rather they bombed say, California? What about all the innocent people there? When people draw a line in the sand, u have to pick a side. Despite all the problems we have, i am happy i live in the USA. Our way of life, the westren world is now a target . I personally do not want to live in a country run by Islamic radicals.

    these are my opinions, I'm sure somone can debate them into the ground, but i will (as will my family) be voting for bush in november.

  • donkey


    i cannot understand either party...but if I only have a choice between Bush and Kerry I pick Bush - why? One simple reason: he isn't confiscating my money as much as the other idiot wants to.

    Go to the website for the Libertarians http://www.lp.org/ I think you will find the platform outlined there to be in line with your views. It is such a pity the party gets no traction among the public.

  • patio34

    Thanks for your replies, Wednesday and Donkey. I respect your opinions, and won't argue them -- anymore, that is, lol.

    I'm going strictly decaf for a while.

    Peaceful Patio

  • Xena

    I have tried to stay away from the political threads lately... it helped that there were fewer until recently...I have to admit I was broadsided by Simon's comments in Amazing's thread, I didn't realize it was a political thread at the time..lol certainly is NOW. Since then I have commented on a few more threads just to clarify my own thoughts to myself I suppose.... posting has that effect on me...

    For the most part though I see lots of finger pointing which is funny because none of us have the power to change anything at this point...and even more ironically most of us had nothing to do with politics of any kind until recently. I don't really need the negative emotion....but it is a shame because at times some good information is presented...I have found from reading some of the more reasonable posters that my ideas and opinions have changed over time, just goes to show I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks

    I'll join in you a decaf Patio!

  • Satanus


    It may all be for the greater good. Maybe our efforts serve the purpose of tempering it so that it arrives there.

    My guess SS

  • wednesday

    i just went over to amazing's thread and was stunned at the hateful attitudes expressed there. We lost a great deal of our posters last year when the war started, will we lose the rest of them b/c of the election ?

    I'm going to stay with the fluff threads. It is several months to Novemeber and there are many terrorists in the world trying scare us all. If they can scare one country into backing off, well maybe they can scare us all. Then they will have contol, which is what they want.

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