P**sing Into the Wind?

by patio34 20 Replies latest social current

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper
    have found from reading some of the more reasonable posters that my ideas and opinions have changed over time, just goes to show I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks

    To be honest Xena I thnk it's great that people can be somewhat open minded. I think alot of the bile spewed on some of the other threads is down to people being frustrated that others don't see things the same way as they do. I know is really gets under my skin when I see what I consider as people ignoring the truth and ignoring facts.

    I try not to be too judgemental of people with conservative views even though my politics are pretty far left of centre but sometimes I read stuff here that just lights my fuse. Feelings are running high over Iraq and over stuff like the gay marraige debate, mainly because the underlying issues cut to the core of personal value systems. While people are free to hold their own opinions people will never agree all the time, and some people will disagree all of the time. Our views are based on our personal experience and the environment in which we grew up and live now. Whilst it would be nice to think we could all agree to disagree I think it's human nature to try and convince others that your opinion is the right one.

    I WILL convince Yeru to vote Democrat before November...... yeah right!

  • Rabbit

    I try to stay away from political threads, because of volatility of some posters. However, even tho' I've never voted I am thinking about doing it this year. This is what I see:

    Bush (and most Republicans) are terrible on the Environment, women' rights, gay & lesbian issues, civil rights and privacy issues.

    Kerry ( and most Democrats) are terrible on Terrorism, Taxes - picking our pockets to support everyone who doesn't work, special interest groups and supporting OTHER countries when we have so many real needs here.

    Democrats are good on the issues the Republicans are bad on and vice-versa.

    If I vote tho' -- Bush will get my vote...why? He is the "won't back down President," he's the one I would want in time of war, he's the type Al Quida and others know they should be afraid of...

    However, if we were not in real danger like we are now from terrorists and rogue states, who I believe are trying their best to go 'Atomic', I would vote for Environmental and Human Rights issues in a "New York minute."

    I too, don't want to debate this...it's simply my experienced opinion.

  • spiritwalker

    Just remember, everyone has a right to there own thinking. Yet law is what keeps the country under control. There is no, will never be, and hopefully it never happens, going to be a perfect way of thinking and controlling people. Just remember, for every side of the coin in your thinking. There is another side and to think in only one manner and not giving yourself a fair education of the other. Is putting yourself in the exact position you despise in others. I will most likely vote Bush - At this time we need a strong president and not someone with a proven track history of being liberal on issues that need addressing at this time. - I do not like seeing a change in administration during a time of war - The economy is swinging up and everyone knows that a change in admin, cause a downward swing to being with. Especially with a man who says, "I will raise taxes!" - I never vote for anyone who says they will raise taxes! Never will and can not understand anyone who does! - I think Kerry is weird looking and he gives me the creeps (Sorry, I am a 80's child)

  • wednesday

    Oh to have JFK and Martin luther King here to help us!! Could they wade through this? Don't u think JFK would have stood firm on the terrorists too, just as Bush did? JFK is what the democart party used to be about and i would vote for a man like that in a nano second. But they are gone and we are in a different world now. Our actual way of life is threatned and we have to stand up and stop these crazy religious manic's For that reason i too am voting for Bush, b/c Kerry does not have what it takes to get us through another terrorist attack. There is a time for peace and and a time for war. We have war now and need a strong commanding officer.

  • Euphemism

    Patio... have you ever read some of the doomsaying books from the 60's and 70's? By the year 2000, we were supposed to be be poisoned to death by pollution, dying of starvation, and being murdered in rampant crime waves--if, that is, we weren't wiped out by a nuclear holocaust.

    Funny thing is: pollution, crime and hunger have gone down since then, and the Cold War with its constant nuclear standoff is over.

    I'm not saying that it's not important to advocate for sound policies. After all, some of the changes, such as the decrease in pollution, are directly attributable to good public policy.

    But I wouldn't be as pessimistic as you seem to be about the future. I certainly hope Shrubya doesn't get another four years. But I think that your kids and grandkids will be just fine, even if he does.

  • patio34


    You certainly picked an appropriate screen name! Thanks for the sweet thoughts and I hope you're right. Actually, I suspect you are--I'm just caught up with it right now a bit too much.



  • blacksheep

    Yahknow...I'm a bit baffled myself about all the polarization of the Bush/Kerry stuff. Honestly, I think the internet (god luv it) has contributed to the vaast influx of information...some good, some bad, some contradictory. I honestly believe GWB's presidency has seen the flood of internet info...far more than Clinton, far more than any other Prez.

    Now, don't get me wrong...I think all this info at our fingertips is fantastic! I for one am so happy to find validation of my JW-weird-upbringing. But somehow, I think it also fosters a real-time info environment, one in which some people, maybe a majority, have knee jerk reactions, instead of seeing the big picture..

  • Rabbit


    But somehow, I think it also fosters a real-time info environment, one in which some people, maybe a majority, have knee jerk reactions, instead of seeing the big picture..

    Hey, sometimes all of us will hear or read something that really sets us off -- for personal reasons. I'm not sure if that was your point, I was not sure what you were saying. Did you have a specific idea about the Bush/Herry thing?


  • blacksheep

    Hey, sometimes all of us will hear or read something that really sets us off -- for personal reasons. I'm not sure if that was your point, I was not sure what you were saying. Did you have a specific idea about the Bush/Herry thing?

    Well, let's just say about as "specific" as anyone here has been about Bush/Kerry. My point was that with all this back/forth mudslinging, including daily attacks on each of the candidates by the other side...it's hard to see the big picture. I think the instant info all of us have access to contributes to this. Sometimes people (politicians) want us to get bogged down in the detail so as not to see the whole picture. I'm frankly annoyed at the tediousness of the bi-partisan back/forth stuff. Now, according to Richard Clarke, for example, the president KNEW about 9/11 and failed to take preventative action....good grief. How low can you go?

    In earlier, more idyllic days, you didn't have this blow-by-blow partisan crap shoved in our faces every day. Yeah, JFK, he offered an ideal, a hope. But he also acted on screwed up intel (Bay of Pigs), he was an incredible womanizer, his brother was associated with a woman who was dead (also happened to be pregnant) - Chappiquidick.... JFK's life was cut short, which ALWAYS tends to make people glamorize one, or make them bigger than life...kinda like Marilyn Monroe (whom the president also knew, in the biblical sense).

    Gosh, had JFK's skeletons surfaced during a presidential campaign today, I don't believe he'd be relected...

  • imallgrowedup

    Pat -

    As a right wing neo-con, my frustration lies in the fact that it appears to me that so many people with left leaning political views don't take many real world problems into consideration when offering up solutions to national and/or world problems. A perfect example is this thread that I started:


    In it, I ask for solutions on how to deal with the terrorism problem - taking into consideration the very real problems of terrorists who have made it perfectly clear that they have no respect for life - their own or those of others. I found it interesting that no one with left-leaning politcal views responded to it - and IMHO, it is because they can't see that these problems even exist! So, to answer your question about pissing in the wind - unfortunately, I believe you are - just as I am. I am sincerely not trying to slam you or your political beliefs - I am merely pointing out that part of the problem neo-cons and tree huggers don't see eye to eye is because they don't see the same problem.


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