Big Tex & cruzanheart: 1, Elders: 0

by cruzanheart 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • MegaDude

    Excellent post. LOL.

    You guys handled those elders just perfectly. Perhaps you said something that will one day flip a switch in their mental attic that says there is indeed somebody home.

  • cyber-sista
    Another silence. Elder #1 struggled with this for a minute and then asked, "Can I ask, do you still believe this is Jehovah's organization?"

    I can see this question coming in up in the near future with the elders in the cong where i had previously attended especially during the memorial season. I am going to say as little as possible when the time comes, but I may just turn that question around on them....Can I ask you, why do you believe this is Jehovah's Org? I have been having a hard time with this so could you tell me please, for what purpose has he allowed this and that and this and that to go on?

  • Mulan
    I do not believe anyone who says they can not DA u unless u write a letter.

    Princess and her husband were da'd a year ago, and didn't write a letter. They celebrated Christmas, which was all those old men needed.

  • LyinEyes

    Shock it to 'em Nina and Chris..............way to go!!!!!!!!

    I really enjoyed your sense of humor about all of it Nina. It was so good you didnt let them make you angry all over again.

    I really laughed at the thing you did with the crotch magnet doggie...........hehe. Oh,, it is fun to get our little digs in where we can , huh? LOL.

    Love ya both, Dede

  • Dino

    Great job guys!

    You didnt fold or lose your cool, which was admirable.

    I would love to meet ya'll some time (fellow Dallasite).


  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Nina, Nina, Nina,........

    I have got to get you a sword.

    Bravo to you for standing up to them!

    Thunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • Navigator

    That invitation burned really well, too, despite the fact that it was printed on such cheap paper. Enjoyed seeing you guys again.

  • DevonMcBride

    Way to go Nina and Tex!!!!


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Both of you "guys" are sooooo gutsy. Kudos... I bet it felt reeeeeeal good.

  • bikerchic

    Yeah cruzan and BigTex!!!!!!

    Don't mess with me, bucko.


    GiiiiiiirrrrrrrLLL you got big'uns! You go girl!

    That was so cool how you handled them, anit-witnessing rules!

    *still chuckling*


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