Big Tex & cruzanheart: 1, Elders: 0

by cruzanheart 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost
    But I did get out of them that they would not DA either of us unless we wrote a letter, which is all I really cared about.

    And you believed them????

    Did you know that many ex-dubs were DA without ever writing a letter or even making a verbal statement?

    The early question said it all:

    Elder #1 struggled with this for a minute and then asked, "Can I ask, do you still believe this is Jehovah's organization?" Big Tex and I couldn't help it, we burst out laughing! That really confused them. Big Tex said, "Oh, okay, now I know what this is about," and I said, "Look, guys, I'm not going to answer that question. I don't want to be disassociated and I've done nothing to be disfellowshipped for and that's a loaded question.

    The question is the stock-standard question that elders were instructed at the KMS to use when visiting inactive ones.

  • Panda

    Big Tex and Cruzanheart, You will smile for weeks when you think about this meeting. They won't be back that's for sure--- you weren't meek enough. You wouldn't answer their question so I assume they cannot use that against you. How amazing that they did exactly what you expected..wonder how they explain that?

    I love to read your stories.

  • Golf

    You stumped the elders with the truth! That's exactly what my wife did and she hasn't seen them since!

    I hope the seeds of 'thinking' will make them question their visit.

    Galations 6:10 would have been an appropriate scripture to cite after they said, they're busy. "Really, then, as long as we have time favorable for it, let us work what is good toward all, but ESPECIALLY toward those related to (us) in the faith."

    They didn't have the TIME and your not SPECIAL, is that what they're saying? Really?

    Guest 77

  • Country_Woman

    that poor elders.....

    they good hardly think they would meet such resistance.

  • Scully

    ((((( Chris ))))) & ((((( Nina )))))

    Superbly done!!

    When I read the elder's comment to the effect that nobody is disassociated unless they write a letter requesting it I felt like yelling BULL$H!T.

    You did a fantastic job of putting them in their places.

    Love, Scully

  • Maverick

    I would like to say that I'm impressed. But I can't. Both of you are among the finest people on this board and I would expect no less from you. Perfectly done! Hit them at their biggest lie....LOVE! Maverick

  • DanTheMan

    I'd take the elder's stating that they wouldn't DA you with a grain of salt.

    If a hard-line CO comes around, you may be in some trouble.

  • gumby
    Elder #1 struggled with this for a minute and then asked, "Can I ask, do you still believe this is Jehovah's organization?" Big Tex and I couldn't help it, we burst out laughing!


    Gawd I would have loved to be a fly on the wall!

    Predictable arent they? I supposed you laughed because of the easy answer......and that you knew that question might be coming from them. When you exit the borg and learn of their ways..........then they become more and more idiotic in your eyes because you know their tactics. Perhaps some of what you said will make them think a little harder about their beliefs.

    Great job to both of you!

    Nina, ......she scares me now! Letting in a basset hound to sniff their crotches! She sounds as sick as my sister who has the same sense of humor. I'm watching my arse in Dallas cuz she's the kind who'll spit in your beer when your not lookin


  • patio34

    Good Job Big Tex & Nina!

    How much better you handled it without anger--then they couldn't criticize you as just angry people. Plus, they got sucked in a bit longer to boot and you got to say so much more.

    I only hope I can remember this should the need arise for me and not become angry or overly emotional. Thanks for the "gold standard" of confrontations!!

    Now, if I could just do this on the political discussions . . .


  • acsot

    Way to go guys! Reading this post was a great way to start my day. It was interesting what happens to people after they spend time in the borg - I'm thinking of that elder that 6of9 knew way back when. Now he's tired and gray. So sad.

    I hope to have my wits about me next time I get a call or visit. Can I borrow the pooch?

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