Avatars and Perception: A Study On The Effects of Visual Impression

by new light 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    what about this kind of "pile on" ? eh? Sincerely, District Overbeer

  • gitasatsangha

    I'd tap those sleestak azzes

  • Valis

    *LOL* Dead sexy...


    District Overbeer

  • Special K
    Special K

    JH said

    A poster with no avatar looks dull, or without personality

    Well, I don't consider myself dull or without personality... just a bit of a computer clutz... I guess I'll have to get my kids to figure out how to put up an avatar.

    JH.. by the way.. Your new picture of yourself is really good. It's clear, crisp and easy to see. Nice picture. It's one of the nicest avatars I've seen you put up so far.


    Special K

  • Corvin

    Yeah, dusty's pic threw me for a loop. I had a tendency to ignore his posts because of the "dork pic" he uses; that's how it influenced me.

    That pic reminded me of when I worked in a board and care for the mentally handicapped, and part of my job was to shave the beards off the male residents who could not do it themselves. Dusty's pic looks just like my first shave. The guy, while I was trying to shave him, picked his nose and ate his big green slimey booger right in front of me! Neuro-assocations can be so bad.

    To Dusty: glad you are not that guy in your avatar!

  • new light
    new light

    Corvin: Speaking of avatars and such, I wonder if you could apply all your "Hunyadi" posts toward your new screen name. I mean, you're not a newbie, why should you be posted as such? Just a thought. : )

  • Valis

    Corvin...if you want I can bring this to Simon's attention and he can integrate the hunyadi into the Corvin account. Just PM or post back and I'll see what Mr. Angharad can do about it...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • Rabbit

    Bugs, is just my favorite cartoon character, wise ass, irreverent and definitly anti-establishment. Friendly and funny.

    Shotgun, has been a thorn in my side, with that double-barrel shotgun in my face. But, since he recently changed his avatar...to one without the weapon...all is forgiven!

    Dusty, yep, his posts sounded sane, but, damn his pic...I was hoping it was a joke.

    Sassy, that pic she had of her shoulder from the back...OK. I'll admit it...I...noticed. Hey, I am alive ya' know... whoever said the girls who had their pics as their avatar do get a lot of flirting. Who can forget LyinEyes...eyes!

  • czarofmischief

    I like my avatar - I was getting into horror when I started on this board over a year ago, and Clive Barker was one of my heroes as I explored the "forbidden" realms of the "world".

    After a while, I started to make pinhead jokes and it just "stuck" hur hur hur, and now I think I'm pretty much inseparable from my bluefaced masochist.

    But in real life I'm not anything like pinhead. The czarina wouldn't let me decorate the apartment in chains, hooks, and body parts - so mostly I settle for cuddling my cats and farting out large quantities of Rolling Rock bubbles. I also write, occasionally, and I never raise my voice, okay, maybe a little.

    I get Xena and xenawarrior confused a lot - attractive women all look alike after marriage. I like Love-truth's avatar, but I get him confused with Picard a LOT and if I ever meet him I will be shocked if he doesn't say, "Engage!"

    Gumby I will only recognize when he shoves a beer in my hand in Dallas and then pees on my shoes.


  • Pleasuredome

    i like to change my pic now and again. usually it reflects what im into or what i think about. any james bond fan (i'm one) out there will know that pic i have now is the lotus esprit(my fave car) that turned into a submarine.

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